Waking up (10)

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I woke up in my bed. He wasn't next to me. As I got up I felt a really bad headache. I saw Draco staring at me on my right.

"Good morning" he said with a cold voice.

"Morning" I replied embarrassed, the memories of last night coming back. I blushed.

"I have to go to the library. See you later, Lovegood"

"Back to indifferent the Malfoy, huh?he just ignored me and walked away.

I decided to take a shower to feel better and and after that go to Blaise.
The feeling of the cold water on my body was amazing. It helped me a lot with the bad headache. When I finished I immediately went to Blaise to hang around. I really wanted to help him with Cedric. As I walked down the hall I saw Blaise staring at Cedric. Cedric was playing quiddicht and quiet good.

"Hey, Blaise"

"Ella! What are you doing here?" Blaise asked embarrassed.

"Not even a hi?" I asked smirking.

"I'm sorry. I'm just surprised to see you" he admitted.

"I was wondering if you'd like to hang out"

"Of course!"

"I understand what you see in him"

"In who?"

"Don't play dumb!"

"Okay, okay. I just have no clue about how to talk to him"

"Just ask him out. Be as direct as possible"

"It's not that easy!"

"Why not? You are a beautiful person. People shouldn't judge you because of your sexual orientation."

"I know, but they will" he replied sad.

"I will kill everyone, who dares to make fun of you."

"Thanks, Ella. You're helping me a lot. I'm not as lonely anymore!"he said smiling.
We spent a few hours together, before we went back to the common room. There we saw Draco upset. When he noticed me he asked:

"Where were you?"

"I was with Blaise"

"Why were you with Blaise?"

"None of your business"

"Tell me!" he yelled

"Why do you care?" I screamed back.
"I knew the whole time, you wanted to steal her from me!" he said to Blaise, who was standing near the door perplexed.

"I'm not your girlfriend, Malfoy!"

"You're right. You're not. You just go to fuck him" he said with contempt in his eyes.

"What? I'm not sleeping with Blaise! We're just friends."

"Of course and I'm the king of Scotland! Do you think I was born yesterday, Ella?"

"Draco, stop! I'm gay!" Blaise screamed with tears in his eyes.

"What? Blaise, I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"Exactly. You didn't know" I said angrily. Blaise was now leaving.

"Blaise, wait. I beg you." Draco said to Blaise.

He just ignored him.

I went upset to my room, but Draco followed me.

"What do you want, Malfoy?"

"I'm sorry. I was angry."

"You had no right to be angry. We are not together!"

"I know, but I don't want anyone to do to you the things I wanna do to you."


"I like you Ella. More than I would like to admit"

He touched my hand gently and pushed me against the wall.

Trigger warning: It's getting  spicy and there will be a sex scene now. If you're not comfortable with that stop reading!

"I want you, Ella. Do you want me too?"

"Yes, Draco. I want you, too"I replied.

He took me in his arms and I wrapped my legs around him. He let me lay down on the bed and started kissing my neck and touching my breasts. My heart was beating so fast. He started opening my shirt reaching for my bra. He took the shirt gently off and asked permission with his eyes to take off the bra aswell. I was hypnotized by his movements and everything. I was really turned on. I whispered a yes and he removed the bra. He started kissing my breasts. It was amazing, but I wanted more.
"Draco" I moaned.

He smirked.

"Can I take these off?" he asked indicating my pants. I nodded. After taking my pants off Draco started touching my underwear. He was torturing me. After a few seconds he took it off and started licking me. His tounge was everything. Then he also added his finger and I started to moan very loud. I could feel him smiling.

"Draco, I'm gonna come if you don't stop now." He immediately stopped and took his pants and his shirt off. He now was wearing only boxers. I got up and took them off touching him slightly. I then took his member in my mouth and started moving up and down. He moaned. After a while he pushed me on the bed again and said:

"Can I?" I nodded again unable to talk. He putted a spell on us to not get little Malfoys running around the house and entered me with a thurst. For a moment I couldn't breath. He pushed and pushed and I was groaning very loud. After a few more second Draco and I came. Draco layed down next to me still panting.
"It was amazing" I whispered before falling asleep in his arms.

Hi! How are you? This chapter was  long and spicy.
I just started watching the vampire diaries! It's amazing so far. I relate to Damon so much. It might sound strange. Have you guys watched it? If yes did you like it?

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