Next step... Hogwarts (1)

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My name is Ella Lovegood. I am Luna's younger sister. Today is my first day at Hogwarts. I gotta start my fifth year. I have never been there becouse my parents wanted me to go to a"normal" school first. Luna had luck. She never went to "normal" school. She is one year older than me and a ravenclaw. I don't know wich house I will be sorted in, everyone thinks that I will enter, like my family did, the ravenclaw one, but I'm not sure about that.

《Ella! We are waiting! Grab you stuff and come downstairs.》my mother screamed.


I jumped into the car and we rode to the station. Luna showed me the way to the Hogwarts express. I was really excited! We searched an empty cabin and we sat down and talked on our way to Hogwarts. After a while Luna fell asleep and I sat there alone with nobody to talk to, so I decided to look at the people who where walking on the corridor. Especially one blonde guy caught my eye. I tried to follow him but he disappeared.

After a few minutes Luna woke up and told me we almost where at Hogwarts. Just while she was saying that, the train stopped and we took our stuff and went to the boats. It was so beautiful . All these lights on the boats were mesmerizing. A few people had already sailed and they were almost at the school. The building had multiple towers that screamed magic out of every pore. The windows had an immense light coming out of them and I felt like I had never felt before. The fact that I was one of the few people on earth able to see this miracle made me feel special like I had never before. 

When we arrived finally arrived an old woman told us we were now going to be sorted into our houses. After the whole first year had been sorted Dumbledore told everyone that they where going to have a new student in year three. He told everyone who I was. After he finished I went to the chair, where the sorting hat was waiting for me and sat down.....

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