Having fun (9)

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I spent the afternoon with Blaise. It was getting late so I went to my room. When I walked in, I saw Draco lying on my bed, his shirt unbottoned, revealing the upper part of his chest.

"What the hell are you doing, Malfoy?" I asked.

"I just wanted to say sorry for being so rude today."

"Draco Malfoy, that says sorry. That's new?" he rolled his eyes.

"Seriously. Why are you here?" He hesitated not knowing how to put his problem into words.

"My room is... ehm... broken"

"How can a room be broken?!?"

"It caught fire."

"Oh my God. But I still don't understand what you are doing here."

"I thought, that I could sleep here" Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"I have no where to go" he added.

"Fine just don't annoy me too much."I gave in, because I felt sorry for him.

He smirked.
"I want to have fun" he made a bottle of fire whiskey appear.

"What? I'm not gonna spend the night talking and getting drunk with you! We are just gonna mind our own buisness."

"Why not? We need enjoy the time together!"

"Now you're interested in spending time with me?"

"Don't be so stubborn. You need to relax yourself. You're always nervous and afraid of the future. Just one night!"

"I'm not always afraid!" but he was right, the future scared me.

"What do you say?" he insisted.

"Only if you promise that it will be only this night!"

"I promise!"

"Alright. See you later."

After dinner

I walked in my room.
"I was waiting for you!" Draco said smirking.

I laughed without replying.
He gave me the bottle of the fire whiskey and I took a sip. I felt the burning liquid in my throat. I gave him the bottle back.

"Did you ever have a boyfriend?"

"What kind of question is that?" I asked immediately on the defensive.

"Just answer it"I took a sip of the whiskey and said:
"I did. It was a long time ago. He cheated on me after only a month together. He was my first everything."I looked away. It was embarrassing to tell this Draco.

"Did you ever have a girlfriend?"

"No. I'm the type for the one night stand relationship. I dont think this counts" he answered my question smirking.

"No, it doesn't..... Did you never feel the urge to wake up near someone , feel loved?"

"I never did... you make it feel bad." he replied with an embarrassed smile on his lips.

A few bottles whiskey later

"What is your biggest secret?" he asked.

"I can't tell you!" I replied giggling.

"Then tell me something else.... What are you thinking about?"

I got up and walked to him.

"I wanna fuck you"I whispered in his ear sitting down on his lap.
He laughed.

"What's so funny about that" I asked a little bit offended, becouse of the alcohol running through my veins.

"You are drunk!"

"I'm not!.... Well maybe a little bit"
"A little bit?"

"Draco. Please. I know you want me too."

"Look at yourself begging me to sleep with you.... Of course I want you, Ella, but you would regret everything in the morning. Our first time has to be special!" I knew he was right but I didn't care.

"You talked about living the moment! Let yourself go Draco!"

"Listen to you!" he said laughing.
"I'm not going to fuck you.... Go to bed now it's late."

《I'm not tired!》I said sounding like a baby.

"C'mon, Ella."  When he noticed I wasn't going to let go, he added:
"I will cuddle with you" I smiled like an idiot saying ok. I didn't know this sweet side of Draco I just hoped he would stay this way. These were my thoughts while I fell asleep surrounded by his strong arms.

Hi!!! I'm sorry it took me so long to post. I want to wish everyone a merry Christmas!
I've already planned the next chapter and let me tell you: it will be very spicy🥵
I just woke up and saw that I have 1k views. That's crazy. Thank you so much guys!!

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