"You look really pretty tonight Lovegood" (5)

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I didn't know what to do so I just went to the library hoping I would find Luna. I had luck. She was sitting next to a boy that I had never seen before. I walked to her table, sat in front of her and asked:

"What are you reading?"

She smiled.
"City of bones by Cassandra Clare, one of your favourite books."

"Yes, it's great! You know I have a huge crush on Alec and Magnus, right?" We both laughed. It felt like nothing ever happened between us.

"Are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend?" she asked.

"I don't know. Are you?"

"Yes I am." she replied.

"If you go I'll come with you. See you there, Luna."

"Bye Ella"

The next day

It was 8pm and I had already finished eating. I still had an hour to get ready for the study session with Draco and for a reason I didn't know I decided to put a bit make up on. When I finished I realised that I looked really pretty. My red hair seemed more bright. I finally was redy to meet Draco, but I noticed that he didn't specific the place. So I just went to his bedroom and knocked. I was 5 minutes early. Draco opened the door without a T-shirt on and I couldn't stop staring at his perfect body. He obviously noticed it and started smirking again.

"God, put a shirt on!" I screamed, while blushing.
He laughed and closed the door and opened it again with a shirt on.

"Come in" he said. I followed his indications. He sat down on his bed and told me to do as well.

"Let's start from the beginning." he said, while taking his wand out.
"You have to move your hand like this"

I rolled my eyes.
"Ok, Ok. Let's do something serious."he said and finally started explaining

Two hours later

Whe had been studying for two hours now. I was tired. Malfoy had been annoying the whole time! We finished our study session and when I was about to leave he got near to my face again and whispered to my ear with his usual grin:

"You look really pretty tonight, Lovegood"


Hi guys it's me again. I really hope you like this story and this chapter. I am totally in love with Draco! Just in case you where asking yourselves I love shadowhunters. Do you like it as well? Write it in the comments.

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