"You have a girlfriend!" " Really? Who?" (7)

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It was 8:30. I was getting ready for my study session with my tutor. I went to Draco's room and knocked. Pansy opened the door.

"Hi Lovegood" she said with her annoying high voice.

"Nice to see you again, Parkinson. I see you opened you legs again" I replied smirking. I entered Draco's room without asking. He wasn't there.

"Where is Malfoy?" I asked, genuinely curious, I was expecting to see him laying on the bed or something. 

"He is taking a shower. It got too hot for him."

"I'm sorry to interrupt you but I don't care about your sexual fantasies. I care about my grades and Malfoy is my tutor, you have to trust me when I say I don't wat him to be my tutor as much as you." Pansy walked away. 5 minutes later Draco was still in the shower so I decided to lay down on his bed. I immediately fell asleep.

Draco's POV:

When I finished taking a shower I got back to my room and saw Ella sleeping on my bed. Damn, she was so pretty! No she wasn't. She was only a filthy Lovegood! (a hot one to be precise) I delicately woke her up. She looked at me with her big blue eyes and the when she realised where she was immediately got up.

Ella's POV:

Draco woke me up. When I realised where I was and that I just fell asleep, I immediately got up.

"I-I'm sorry" I said embarrassed.
Draco started laughing. It was weird hearing him genuinely laughing and not just smirking. 

"Don't worry! Let's start, alright?"


After only one hour of studying Draco said:
"It's enough for today."

"We only studied for one hour!"I replied.

"We almost went through the whole first year! It's enough for today.》

"Okay, bye"

I walked away and when I almost was at the door Draco grabbed my hand.
"What do you want?"

"A lot of things" he replied smirking. I blushed.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked suddenly scared of the answer but also curious.

"You know exactly what I mean"
His hand was next to my head on the wall. His lips touched mine gently giving me slight electric shocks in the whole body. I stepped back and said:
"You have a girlfriend!"

"Really? Who?"


He laughed. This laughter again. I almost couldn't hold the tension in my stomach anymore, but he finally spoke again. 

"She is not my girlfriend"

《Oh》I just said.

He kissed me again. This time with more passion. Out tounges touched each other. My hands were touching his hair and his hands were on my waist. I felt strangely happy.

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