3. Mess That I Regret

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"Jungkook? Did you buzz me earlier? What's up?"

A blob of blonde hair peeked through the mahogany door to Jungkook's office room. The Gardler branch office in Australia and Korea are under the watch of Jungkook, someone that Hoseok have stumbled across as a young talent a few years ago when the man himself visited Seoul National University as a speaker during career week.

"Oh Jimin. Come on in please."

The blond male goes by the name Jimin - a Korean expatriate living in Australia who got to relocate with the company due to his highly skilled ability in architect field. He is two years older than Jungkook and started his career a little later in the industry.

Since the day Jungkook spotted his CV and clicked with him, he requested Hoseok to arrange Jimin's relocation to report as his new junior in the branch in Sydney where Jungkook sits.

The relationship between Jimin and Jungkook is one of the sweetest. The blond takes care of the younger like his own little brother. It shouldn't be a surprise to many on how close they are almost like a couple as they share an apartment and always seen spending time with one another.

"Yes Kook, anything I can help you with?"

Jungkook put his laptop to sleep as he was ready to shut it down for the day. Although it was a Saturday, both Jimin and him decided to spend it in the office for they are both rushing Mr Agust's project.

"Yea, um...I received a call from Hobi boss."

"Oh." Jimin furrowed his brows. He knows how fond Hoseok is of the younger and they do spend a lot of time speaking across the world every single day. "What is it about? Don't you talk to the boss like every single day?"

Jungkook chuckled.

"Yes, I do. This time it's for something very different. He made a request."

"What kind of a request that might be?"

"He wants me to spearhead the project for a corporate expansion in Australia and Korea."

Jimin's furrowed brow straightened as he clapped his hands like a sea lion as he cheered the younger boy on. "Congrats Jungkook! It's a great opportunity isn't it?"

Jungkook nodded. Who is he to deny such an opportunity and refuse to acknowledge the ginormous chance falling sweetly on his laps. He has been put to govern the daily tasks and approval on behalf of Hoseok for the past 3 years in Australia after proving his worth.

"It is. Having the chance to spearhead such a global expansion is like a dream."

"Which glocal corp is this going to be? Atrstol Inc? Blue Deck? Oh! Is it the IT big shot - Calc Tech?" Jimin was throwing all the business monsters in the top listing as he watched Jungkook shake his head to each of his suggestions.

"So who is it?"

"Hoseok said it's for some company named Vante?"

Jimin's eyes widened. He abruptly stood up with both his palms hitting the glass table as he screamed his lungs out. Thank the Lord as the office was soundproof and had no other breathing souls aside from Jungkook.


"Geex Jimin. Calm down. Yes, I did. I said Vante." Jungkook leaned back in his leather seat as he felt weirded out by Jimin's very odd excitement mix disbelief.

"Holy fucking shit."

Jimin started to panic as he ran his finger through his blond hair. The poor male was behaving like he was on the verge of a cardiac arrest.

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