32. Brighter Than The Blue Sky

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"Are you the father of Luna?"

"I am."

Jungkook's momentary pause lasted longer than a moment. The younger wanted so bad for his selfish thought to be real and Luna to be fake. Cruel thought? It might be but the younger can't resist his wishful thinking on contemplating how today would be if Judy and Luna didn't happen in Tae's life?

"Jungkook? Are you alright?" Taehyung caressed the younger's soft cheeks, leaning forward over the fortress the raven head build to no use.

"Yea." The younger flinched to the side avoiding the warm fingers any further on his delicate skin.

Taehyung nodded and didn't budge his dark eyes from the action Jungkook exhibit under his touch. In some ways, it broke Taehyung's heart when Jungkook repelled him like poison.

"Where is Luna now? Why is she not with you?"

"She is with her grandparents. With Judy's family in Spain. I only visit her when she wants me to and when I am free to do so. I can't take care of her alone with me as I have a very busy schedule. Not that you don't know about."

Taehyung answered nonchalantly as he is indeed a very busy owner of a huge corporation and stays around the clock to complete his work. The empire of VANTE won't be seeing an expansion in Sydney or Seoul if the silver head did not burn the midnight oil across the years. Success doesn't happen overnight and Taehyung can be a classic example, minus his bratty attitude.

"Does your busy schedule involves you sleeping around and spending time with random strangers too?"

Jungkook bit his tongue as soon as he finished his sentence. He was feeling braver than he should with a slight tint of fear flushing in his vein when he notices Taehyung was clenching his jaws with brows furrowed, nose flaring like a freaking dragon ready to spit fire.

The younger wanted to apologize for his assumptions but decided against it when he notices how it worked Taehyung up. Jungkook wanted Taehyung to be comfortable to get uncomfortable with him and spill the truth beans he has been planting for years.

"Cat caught your tongue? I thought you wanted to talk."

"I said we can talk, but I don't recall saying it's ok to throw assumptions back at me." Taehyung said through his gritted teeth.

"I need to know about this Tae. I really can't be giving you any sort of hope knowing what you're doing with your life is not something I am very fond of."

"Are you saying you're considering to give me hope?"

Jungkook halted his speech for a second. Did he sound too hopeful for Taehyung? "No, I didn't mean it that way. What I meant was if you're not being honest with me then this talk is pointless."

Taehyung scoffed and lick his lower lips aggressively as he shakes his silver locks out of his hazel eyes. "Ok, fine. If you would like to know then I will let you know."

The silver head adjusted his posture and faced Jungkook once more. This time with more determination in his eyes to not lose his shit over whatever Jungkook is trying to trigger him with.

"So, your question is why do I whore around when I have a daughter?"

Jungkook nodded at the silver head.

"Well, is there any rule that I can't have sex with others when I have a daughter? It's not that I'm cheating on my wife or my loved ones. I am not involved with anyone, so why does it matter who do I sleep or whore with? I don't neglect my responsibilities. I don't see why can't I have my share of fun."

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