52. Laced In Love

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"Jimin. What was that for?" Jungkook rubbed his wrist gently soothing the feeling of the blond's harsh grip.

"Sit down Jeon Jungkook." Jimin's command was clear as he closed the office door shut with only the two.

Jungkook obliged and settled himself on the couch at his cabin in Gardler while Jimin did the same, opposite of him. The blond wore a determined and strict look on his face which made Jungkook question the cause of it. "What's wrong? Why did you pull me aside? I thought we had a lot of work to do and now it's not the time to chit chat." The raven head simply crossed his knees, palms resting on top of it.

"What the fuck is happening with you and Taehyung? Did you also just ditched Lucas last night? As in break his little precious heart?"

The colour drained like tap water from Jungkook's face. That's right, about last night. We don't know what happened last night in between the ex-lovers right? It was only the point of confession where both Taehyung and Jungkook decided they wish to start over. So what exactly happened right after?


"I wish we can start over Tae."

"Me too Jungkook."

The words sounded like a promise, a path for a second chance which Taehyung hope for. Things may have turned sour between Jungkook and him, the duo didn't have a good platform to kickstart their connection when they met again after eight years apart. Long story short, hurdles infested their engagement and now we are at a crossroad with a potential option of starting over.

"I don't want to be the past lover who ruined everything along the way. I don't want to be the young and budding businessman who failed to grab hold of my sanity. I can't change my past or your past Kooks, but I can only vow to get better."

Jungkook's heart swell. It overflowed with rejoicing and love which he wants to make visible for the silver head to witness. Jungkook wanted to show Taehyung how he truly cares for him.

"8 years Tae. I have waited 8 years to move on and get better. Somewhere along the line, I did learn to keep things aside, keep the memories of us aside, but seeing you again assured me that I never stop loving you. I probably can never."

Jungkook gently pressed a closed-lip kiss on the silver head's right cheek, showing his affection to the blushing male while Taehyung enjoyed the spark he felt on his tan skin.

"I want to try again." The raven head said with determination. "I know we both have grown up and changed in many ways. All I'm asking is for us to try again if this is something we can work out. I love you Tae. I want you to know that nothing in the past matters to me, it's fine if you can't recall anything about the days we dated or how it feels to love me. I want you to do it all over again. This time, be the Taehyung you are and love me just like that."

The raven head pressed another soft kiss on the silver head's left cheeks, lingering his touch a little longer this time making sure he feels the silver head's body relaxes under him. Taehyung in return pressed the younger's body against him for a hug as he left warm kisses all over Jungkook's face in the process of doing so.

"I'd love that Bun. I do. I promise I will make sure you don't regret giving me the second chance. I love you too Jungkook."

Flashback ends

"What about me and him?"

Jimin widened his eyes at the raven head's lack of enthusiasm but tonnes of cautiousness in his voice. The blond can't believe Jungkook is stalling him with all the latest details and potential premium level of gossips.

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