41. Garden of Eden

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"So you're a mix?" Lucas looked to his side and noticed the silent ravenette who was looking out the window as if he was longing for something from a far distance.


"It doesn't hurt to reply with more words. I can use someone to have a chat."

"I'm tired."

"Oh." Lucas didn't press further.

After a few minutes of following the direction set on his GPS diligently, the brown head pulled over at the apartment complex. "We are-..." Lucas was greeted by the sight of a sleeping male beside him and a passed out drunkard at his back seat. "Great, now how am I suppose to bring you guys up?"

The brown head furrowed his brows contemplating when he notice the guard patrolling the complex. "Excuse me sir, can I get some help over here. I believe they stay in this building. I am not sure which unit do they belong to."

Lucas managed to explain the situation to the security guard and requested his help by mentioning Jungkook's name.

"Mr Jeon stays at Level 24. Would you happen to have his keys with you?" The guard informed after running a check on his security system.

"I can look for it." Lucas went over to Jungkook's side and tried to search the raven head's suit coat which looked like it contained his phone as well as his wallet. Thankfully, it didn't take long for him to find the keys without waking the sleeping male.

"Here you go." Lucas handed the keys over and requested the guard to get some help in assisting the boys to their home.

"I'm sorry but he is off-limits." The brown head politely refused one of the aiding guards who wanted to yank Jungkook in his arms. "I will carry him myself. You can take the male at the backseat. Thank you."

The guard nodded and took Jimin instead as they made their way to Jungkook's shared apartment with Jimin to settle the boys down. Lucas didn't linger any longer. He was quick to leave the boys in the same room which happened to be Jungkook's room as he couldn't figure out which room belonged to who. After thanking the guards, Lucas drove away to his abode, leaving a piece of his heart for the ravenette.


The sun emerged from the horizon yanking off the pitch-black sky from the night before into a vibrating hue of yellows. The moon retired and the sun takes charge, shining the rays of golden light through the silky white fabric, breezing the air through the room waking up the raven head male who was entangled in someone's arm.

Jungkook's mind sent an electrifying shock to his entire body as his eyes boiled open.

"Oh Thank God." The raven head male could only sigh in relief when he noticed the familiar mob of blond hair on his chest with pairs of arm and leg swung over his body. Jungkook further scrunched his nose in disgust when he noticed both of them are still fully dressed from their last night's clothes.

"Ew, so gross." Jungkook felt disgusted at himself and Jimin feeling sorry for his bed. "Jimin, wake up!" The younger leaned into Jimin's ear and yelled loudly, it could potentially have broken Jimin's ear.

"Holy shit!" The blond head jumped awake on the bed hearing a stinging noise in his ear feeling his brain dance in agony inside his skull. "Ouch. Why would you do that asshole?" Jimin used the palm of his hand to tap the side of his head, trying to beat the ringing pain away.

"Go and shower. You stink. I stink. My bed STINKS. Out! Now."

"Alright! Just stop shouting, my head is killing me."

"Then you shouldn't have drunk too much. Now go back to your room before I kick you out from the bed. You know I can do it."

Jimin needed no second warning as he quickly waddled his way back to the room opposite of Jungkook's, finding the comfort of his soft mattress welcoming his tired body as he dropped face on the pillow. Completely unbothered by Jungkook's continuous nagging to get him in the shower.

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