37. Is It Too Late To Apologise?

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"T-Taehyung? Why aren't you saying anything?" Jungkook asked with eyes in the brim of tears when he heard nothing from the silver head who was busy murdering his cousin with his deadly stares.

"That is because he lied to us all. Didn't you Taehyung?"

Jin who was standing in between the brothers with an arm's length of each other gulped in horror. He has been around the duo and Kim's family for a while now to know the temper both these males are capable of.

"Namjoon, careful-..."

"I think it's enough of us protecting him thinking that he deserves it but sometimes I just wonder if we are purely blinded by our love and care for him." Namjoon was saying directly to Jin's face when he was attempted to be stopped while sending the message loud and clear for Yoongi as well.

The mint head who didn't budge from his seat since earlier dropped his head in guilt for he knows that as much as he threatens and be a nonchalant devil in Tae's cases, he still spoils the silver head into a little brat.

There is something so special about Taehyung that everyone wants to love.

"Taehyung? We are at a cross junction. If you don't want to speak then you're going to lose something or someone forever. You need to let us know what has been happening to you."

Jin figured since he can't tame the older Kim, he will try to pacify the younger Kim instead.

"Will you speak before I tell Jungkook myself what have you been doing since the day you were found half dead drowned in alcohol when Judy-..."


The emotion in the air was unbelievable, shocking really. Most of the humans present were unable to make a comprehension in their brains through the words uttered by the silver head. All except Namjoon stood unbothered with his eyes still hanging dangerously dark on his cousin brother.

"Why did you do that?" Namjoon's suppressed voice was a warning for Taehyung to not hide anything further.

"I didn't want to eat those damn medicines and who is the doctor to refuse me from consuming alcohols."

"What the hell? Taehyung! That was for your good! Did you fucking forgot how miserable you were drowning with alcoholism? You almost died! And you lost part of your memories! We wanted to help you recover!"

Jin was gasping. He can't believe Taehyung wasted all their good effort from recovering and even made it worse for himself for the past 8 years.

"I'm fine."

"No, you're fucking not." The third Kim to explode is probably the scariest of them all. It was Jin.

"When Dr Kalister spoke with me. He didn't even remember your name anymore. I find it pretty unprofessional for a medical doctor to forget the condition and the name of his patient until I realize you never stayed at his patient."

Taehyung scoffed at this. He refuses to keep his eye contact with Namjoon who was starting to explain his newfound info from the call he had with Taehyung's supposed physician - Dr Kalister.

"You even tipped off the pharmacists for the medication and made it seem like you're receiving the correct vitamins and pills. You are not eating the right pills aren't you? Those that I thought I've been feeding you right are just placebos. You made me a fool without me knowing."

The silver head started to shift on his legs. Left to right, his brain swayed. Taehyung wasn't his best when he faces confrontation. It's his shortfall which he knows and hates.

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