29. I Care For You

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Jungkook stood at the side of his bed with brows furrowed together pinning waves of wrinkles on his forehead.

"Who is this?"

"How could you Jungkook? You did not save my number? Am I still unworthy to be on your contact list after spending two coffees together?"



"Hey Joon, I'm so sorry! I honestly looked pass the last time and didn't save your number. I just woke up so pardon my early morning brain." Jungkook felt a lot more relief after knowing that the white box was courtesy from Namjoon.

"Sorry for the sudden call as well. I figured you'd run out of groceries and wouldn't be able to buy it on time after your arrival yesterday so I bribed Jimin to give me your house address. I have scheduled the delivery at 9 AM. You should have received them, so I decided to drop a call."

"Joon. It's only 830 am here in Sydney. It's not 9 am yet."

Jungkook chuckled at the older's time zone mistake but never the less glad that the box arrived earlier than it was supposed to.

"Oh, sorry about that Jungkook. I must have looked at my watch wrongly. It should be there at 9. Enjoy the treat from Dila's Deli. Jimin told me their pancakes are your favourite. I've ordered a stack of them."

The smile which hung on the raven head's face dropped like the ball in New Year's countdown at Time Square. If Namjoon has ordered from Dila's Deli, then wasn't the box suppose to be purple? Jungkook knows the deli and their take away boxes at the back of his hand. He is a regular at Dila's and there is no way he can't recognize their food or takeaways.

Besides, Namjoon mentioned he ordered a stack of pancakes. Jungkook was positive he didn't see any pancakes in the box.

"J-Joon? Thank you for the treat. I will make sure to enjoy them. Listen, how about I call you back? Just need to hop in the shower before receiving the order."

"Sure do buddy, have a good rest. See you soon Jungkook."

"Sure. Bye Joon."

Jungkook dropped the call and felt a thousand thought running through his mind. For once, he could sense a chill running down his spine while he made a deduction on who it might be that walked into his house to place the box of breakfast treat.

Time must have slipped with Jungkook's distraught brain as the younger jumped in shock when he heard the doorbell rang. He quickly threw the phone on his bed as he rushed to the front door and swung it open.

"Morning bun."


"In the flesh."

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"To catch my runaway bunny."

The silver head was dressed casually with an innocent smile decorating his ridiculously handsome appearance. Jungkook's eyes couldn't peel away from the man in front of him who dressed in expensive black Gucci t shirt tucked into his jeans with a bandana pushing his silver locks backwards.

Jungkook gulped visibly feeling his throat drying up as if he was thirsting for someone unattainable. "I don't understand what you're saying Mr Kim."

"I hate it when you call me Mr Kim. I don't have such honorific kinks so you can drop it and address me as Taehyung or Tae." The young tycoon's eyes flashed in it's usual darker glaze as he pushed Jungkook aside, entering the apartment as if he owns it.

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