51. When I'm With You

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In the silence there is warmth. In the moment of absolute silence, the pounding hearts of two males beat rhythmically, one after another. Instead of the constant bickering and dampened situation, Jungkook turned to find his solace in the arms of the silver head.

"I love you too Bun."

After the storms, the sunshine returns. It's like a promise by the rainbow to appear each time after a downpour to preach the conviction it upholds, a sense of calmness after the storm. It's always there, visible occasionally which stays to bring the colour into our faces, in the form of smile and gratitude in our hearts.

Similarly, the younger felt contended. A feeling that can never truly put into words, but it was enough to stir a sense of comfort in his heart and a faint smile adorning his lips. As the waterfall continues to work down his doe eyes, Jungkook couldn't deny the feeling stirring in his heart.

He feels home.

The three-letter words of confession from Taehyung was a statement of confirmation that Jungkook has gotten his love back.

Or so he thought. They say crying is for the brave, for a soul that can withstand the deepest of emotion and never hides behind a facade of unjust. It belongs to the self who dares to show their courage and vulnerability.

The typical image of the young tycoon shredded into pieces in front of the younger. It broke apart all the labelling put on Taehyung when the older fell on his knees with the love overbearing his shoulders, guilt weighing his heart down. The feeling of insecurity was so massive it turned Taehyung away from Jungkook.

"I mean it Jungkook. I love you too."

Taehyung's breathe fanned on top of the raven head as Jungkook's face kept itself buried in the corner of Taehyung's neck, not quivering the slightest. It was his haven and he wanted to keep it to himself for now.

"Why didn't you tell me the truth when I asked you the other night?" Jungkook's voice was low and hoarse but it was loud and clear for the silver head to catch. The younger was referring to the same night they had a confrontation about the pool incident.

"I was scared Jungkook."


"I have messed up in the past. I don't know how can I be the person who doesn't act selfish and learn to value others around me. I have lived most of my adult life moulding myself into someone I don't even recognize Kooks. I don't know how did I end up here, I just hate it."

The older's words laced in a sense of disgust which surprised Jungkook. He never took it to his thinking on how Taehyung was truly doing. Since the beginning, everyone was so focused on either protecting him, making assumptions about him or accusing him.

"I know I did the blunder by messing up my medication. As I said, I was a coward, I was selfish. Choosing Luna was easy. I was swayed by the emotion during the very little window I believed I was her real father. What Judy got me to promise became my reality."

Taehyung couldn't blame Judy. Honestly, the older could only assume how painful is a dying mother's wish is for her newborn child to have a peaceful life knowing she won't be a part of it? Judy couldn't bring her convict boyfriend to put a claim on Luna, thus she did what she could. Taehyung was her best choice. The silver head's emotional heart agreed and it overtook his rational mind.

"I have never once regretted taking Luna under my care. She is such a smart little girl. She knows that I am not her real father, yet, she never cease to love me and be grateful every chance she gets."

Jungkook tilted his head up and tried to look into the older's eyes. It was dimly lit inside the room hence he can't fully adore the beauty he wished to. The silver light shining in from the moon was enough to outline the older's prominent features, keeping his handsome chiselled face alluring for the younger to admire.

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