Epilogue: Panacea

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"Love you Kooks."

"Love you too Lucas."

Jungkook embraced the brown head doctor in his arms, taking in the comfort the older had to radiate. Time surely passed by. A year spent with a blink of an eye, made promises broken as if it meant nothing. The slow and steady pasture which Jungkook envisioned with Taehyung did not happen as wished.

In a year, Jimin and Yoongi are currently in a relationship. Hoseok was married to Maya. Jin was dating a lovely lady - Kate and Namjoon was seeing his high school friend - Sasha.

"Ready?" Lucas asked with an arm around the younger's waist, pulling Jungkook into another affectionate embrace. What was expected to be turned into a bitter shadowing between Lucas and Jungkook exchanged into something completely different.

A few days after Jungkook rejected Lucas right in his face, the younger felt the guilt creeping in him when he spoke again to the brown head with the courtesy of none other than Jimin.

"Mhm." Jungkook appreciates the constant love and affection from the doctor, something he never thought he will be receiving when he chose to be with Taehyung.

Talking about Taehyung. Where is he? At this moment, not with Jungkook.

"Jungkookie? Are you ready? Lucas? Are you done? You guys look like a perfect couple." Jimin giggled as he walked into the room where Jungkook and Lucas were.

"Stop it! Parker is going go feral when he hears you!" Lucas let go of Jungkook as he ran after Jimin who was escaping for his life. Over a year, Lucas and Jimin surely turned into the best friend they are today. While Parker, the one we talked about is currently dating Lucas.

Jungkook giggled with the antic of the two who constantly bicker like cat and mouse. When Lucas came around to accepting Jungkook as a friend, Jimin started his teasing to rail up Parker and the rest went down in history. It's been a year and Jimin's mischievous teasing never stopped.

The raven head was adjusting his suit while looking into the mirror to match a proper tie to his outfit. Today, it's the day where friends and family gathered around to officiate the launching of VANTE Sydney and Jungkook remains as one of the MVP for the successful expansion of the corporate chain.

"You need to stop doing that Bun."

Jungkook was startled when he felt a heavy presence behind him with a steady grip at the sides of his waist. He looked up and into the mirror to find a wave of silver hair dressed in an emerald green suit making its appearance.


"Hey love." Taehyung gently placed a mouthful of a kiss on top of Jungkook's right shoulder before adorably placing his chin to rest while his mouth lingered closely to the ravenette's ear. "You need to stop doing that." Taehyung sneaked his arms around, rightful claiming his boyfriend's body against his.

Jungkook furrowed his brows looking at Taehyung through the mirror when he notices he was doing the dire mistake by biting his lower lips, creating a pull between his teeth. "S-sorry."

"Mhm. Now, who is going to take care of this?" Taehyung placed his hands over Jungkook's crotch and pulled him back so that the younger could feel the growing bulge pressing his arsecheeks.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!" Jungkook turned back and forcefully pushed the older away while Taehyung broke into a fit of laughter, quick to pull the younger who was squirming in embarrassment. "Now is not the time Taehyung! You have a fucking launching to attend to." Jungkook pressed the palms of his hands on the silver head's chest, eyes never dare to meet the hazel ones which surely will enchant him into doing something which might delay the two VIPs to the event.

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