8. You're Not The One

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The raven head answered his cell without checking the caller ID as he was too busy buckling his fitted ripped jeans around his ripped thigh muscle. It was a little too late for Jungkook to regret his choice of outfit as he paired this tight ripped jeans with a black tee which again showed off his ripped arms and muscular back.

"Be down in 5 minutes. I won't wait."

The call was cut abruptly making Jungkook roll his eyes in annoyance. "Great, that asshole just have to be such a dick even before the start of the dinner." It wasn't difficult to recognize the deep honey voice. Jungkook knew it all too well.

With 5 minutes to spare his life, the raven head took his keys and left his rented home. As the glass door slide open at the ground floor, Jungkook ran his fingers through his raven hair swiping his slight gel hair to the side exposing his sinful looking forehead.

He didn't know which car belonged to Tae's but by the look of it, none of the mediocre cars parked over here belongs to the silver head. Jungkook for once knows that Taehyung will flash his status like a diamond ring whenever he gets the chance to, coz that is what the silver head is capable of.

On dot after 5 minutes, Jungkook could hear the faint roaring engine of a beast driving into his apartment complex. The unmistakable red Ferrari stood out like a sore thumb amid all these simple sedans.

"Such a show-off." Jungkook groaned but he couldn't take his eyes away from the beast in front of him. And no, we are not talking about the Ferrari now, we are talking about the driver who wore a simple Gucci shirt tucked into khaki pants.

Taehyung looked so effortlessly beautiful it made Jungkook sick to his stomach.

"Get in Jungkook. We don't wanna be late for our dinner date don't we?"

"Date? In your dreams."

Jungkook completely ignored the fact that he is with his 'client' Mr Kim and not his past flame - Kim Taehyung. Does he care? No, he doesn't. But does Taehyung care? Oh, you bloody sure he does.

There was something so amusing and familiar about Jungkook which Tae can't point his finger. He certainly stopped bothering about the people he met in his life outside of work for a very long time now. Ghosts of the past stopped encouraging him to be the person he once used to be. Not saying Taehyung was the best sweetheart to everyone he knows, but he used to be marginally better in being emotionally intelligent and kinder.

Having the younger male who seems to be always on the edge and sassy with him triggers Taehyung's naughty side too. The young tycoon invited the raven head for dinner simply to ease his curiosity towards the boy who looked like a child trapped in an adult muscular body.

"For someone wanted to work for my company, you surely have the balls to be sassy with the boss himself." Taehyung scoffed.

"Well excuse me, mister. I'm not the one who is desperate to expand his empire and need the experts to deal with it. So no, it's more like you need me to finish your work."

Jungkook hated how the silver head still behaved so superior after all these years with him. On a flip side, Jungkook can't understand what's with the strange attitude on the older who looked like he doesn't recognise him. That pissed the raven head, even more, knowing how easy is it for Taehyung to forget him.

I never mattered to you as you did to me anyway.

Jungkook looked outside the window shield as he blinked away the tears at the corner of his eyes and a huge heavy lump in his throat.

He is making me crazy. Not in a good way. Taehyung on the other hand is highly aroused with the younger's rude remarks and sexy brain when it comes to his professionalism. After a very long time, Taehyung finally found what he has been missing - a spark of excitement in his boring lavish life.

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