28. Rising From The Ashes

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"Well hello there bun."

Jungkook was startled for sure when he heard the voice of a male speaking to him. "Excuse me sir, do I know you?"

"Well, I don't think you do. But we certainly can have a long and comfy chat throughout the flight. We have 21 hours to kill." The said male winked at Jungkook and followed with a light chuckle when he saw the flustered state of the young raven head male.


"By all means. This is my seat. Right beside yours." The male pointed at the seat adjacent to Jungkook's as he settled himself in.

"Is there anything I may assist with gentlemen?" The flight attendant walked closer with a practised humble smile hanging on her lips as per any other normal days on her duty.

"No thanks." Jungkook answered back politely while the male who was busy buckling his seatbelt raised his head with a request. "One neat whiskey please."

The lady accidentally raised his brow in shock but was quick enough to fall back into her professional avatar. It was too soon to be requesting alcohol when the flight has not taken off yet. "Sure sir. I will serve your drink as soon as we have taken off and able to do so. Do press the button for assistance should you need any other request. Thank you, have a pleasant journey." The lady excused herself by walking to the rows behind as the attention of the newer male fell back on Jungkook.

"So, how about my request with getting to know one another?" He placed his elbow on the armrest and turned his body towards Jungkook.

"Look mister, I am not interested in making small talks or even big talks. I would appreciate if you can let me enjoy my flight alone and in peace. Thank you."

"Why so serious bun?"

"And please, do not call me bun. That's very rude to address someone with a nickname without even knowing that person. Besides, I don't want to know you." The young raven head smiled sarcastically as he turned his whole body to the opposite direction plopping in his AirPods for some audiobooks.

"Oh, you're feisty and the flavour is spicy. Me likey."

Gross. Jugkook pretended he didn't listen to it as he settled himself comfortably to sleep throughout the way to Syndey with the continuous bugging coming from the male who can't seem to keep his mouth shut.

After a painful and agonizing worth of flight travels, Jungkook couldn't be happier to get himself out of the business class seat he paid a fortune for to sacrifice his peace and sleep.

"Hold up handsome! I just want to know you in person. No ill intentions. My name is Lucas. Do you work with Gardler? I saw you reading some of the files on the plane-..."

"For the good love of God, fucking stop calling me out before I report you to the police for harassment." Jungkook was fuming. He hated having the flirtatious man following his back like a lost puppy. Can't he get the hint that Jungkook is off limits and the younger hates his gut?

"If you think persistent pursuing is attractive then you're fucking wrong. You're just annoying. I tried to be nice and decline you politely but you're harassing me further. Now step aside before I chop your dick off."

The raven head was quick to collect his bags and hired a cab to his home leaving behind a very embarrassment and sad man as he wasn't able to attract the handsome male he met on the plane.

Jungkook has never been more glad than he is right now when he finally allowed his sore body to meet the tenderness of his bed. It took him about a couple of hours to dust clean the home as they were away for some time, but it looked better in a short period as both Jimin and Jungkook have always ensured to keep their home on a tip top condition.

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