35. Roses On My Bed

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"Jimin? What's with the hold-up, where the hell is Tae-...shit." Jin was making his way towards Jimin when he saw the blond was standing at the doorway, unmoving.

What he saw next was enough to shut Jin up as he too turned statue together with Jimin at Jungkook's room door. "He can't be fucking serious."

"Guys, what's up-...oh fuck." Hoseok was the next to join leaving both Namjoon and Yoongi to be dumbfounded as the pair waiting for no one to return in the living room.

"Why the hell are they taking up so much time?" Yoongi was losing his chill as he dragged Namjoon with him towards the direction that the other three disappeared to.

"Guys, what the fuck is taking you guys so long?"

"Shhh...." All three males had different expressions on their face but all three were signalling for Yoongi to remain quiet as Jimin pointed his little index finger towards the bedroom. "Over there." Jimin whispered lowly, enough for the mint head to grasp his words.

Yoongi looked back at Namjoon who was furrowing his brows together as both the elders joined the crowd peeping into the bedroom where the scene remained unchanged as Taehyung was spooning a male in his arms. Both the figures were entwined under the blanket and Taehyung's bare chest was in the glorious view.

"Son of a-..." Namjoon's curse was stopped mid-sentence when Jin glared at him. "No bad words Namjoon, especially about your aunt."

"Sorry." Namjoon cleared his throat as he prepares to push the viewers aside and grab hold of his rebellious cousin brother.

"What do you think you're doing?" Hoseok was quick enough to grip hold of Namjoon's arm and yanked him back outside from the room he was barging in.

"To wake the little fucker up. How dare he have sex with someone in the absence of Jungkook in Jungkook's apartment? That's really rude and very mean."

"Namjoon, did you not use your contact lenses when you took off your glasses?" Hoseok asked with arms crossed in front of his chest. The copper head was shorter by centimetre compared to Namjoon but never the less intimidating when he needed to.


"Look again." Hoseok pointed inside the room.

To their lucks, Taehyung let go of the smaller spoon he was holding close to his chest to reveal the mob of the familiar raven head who was pouting in his sleep while his face chased the warmth of Taehyung's chest as the male grabbed hold of the silver head.

"They are fucked." Jimin gasped.

"Correction, they fucked each other." Yoongi smirked at Jimin with a dual intention behind his words.

"Perv." Jimin scoffed off and took charge of the situation and ushered the viewing party out of the way as he gently closed Jungkook's room door. Once they are all back in the living room, Jimin growled in frustration and started to pace the space back and forth feeling anxious about what they just saw.

"Jimin, relax. They had sex, what is the big deal?" Yoongi dropped his tired body on the couch, already planning to stay put until further notice.

"They had sex Yoongi! How is that not a big deal? Jungkook will regret this for sure!" Jimin massaged his temple, hoping that the ache in his head will die down magically.

"I wonder what happened while we were rushing here thinking they will be on each other's throat killing mercilessly. Turns out, we are all fooled by the couple." Jin sighed as he settled on a single couch.

"They are not a couple! Stop it." Jimin corrected Jin as he felt the need to protect his friend from all the false allegation he has been receiving.

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