50. Cross My Heart

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"I love you."

Jungkook's breathe left in a hush in between the closed space between him and the older. Taehyung was shaking, he was trembling. Both in joy and terror.

"Tae? Please say something?"

The younger was on the verge of ripping his own heart out. It's not possible physically but the pain that his heart was going through at that time was enough for the raven head to believe that it's completely possible.

Taehyung was crying. His tears flowed like a river. Truthfully, he did not look like a 30 years old young tycoon who had the world of corporate at the tips of his fingers. He did not look like the cocky bastard he was portraying himself all these years.

He looked young. He looked vulnerable. He looked broken.

"I know you said you used to love me Tae. I know you're probably upset about Lucas. But I am not in love with Lucas. I know he deserves better Tae. The night we talked in your room, the night where you admitted to saving me, that was the night I knew that my heart never belonged to another person. It always belonged here."

The raven head asserted a little pressure on the surface he was resting the palm of his hand as he watched the rising and falling of Tae's chest, rapidly. "It belonged here. Always."

"Tae? Will you please say something?" Jungkook cupped the older's cheeks in the palm of his hands while Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut in agony. He was trembling out of control and his soft sniffles turned into an ugly cry. He wasn't bothered about it. The silver head allowed the cleansing pass through his soul, to the very core of his body.

"I talked to Lucas before I got home today. I ended every single possibility there is with him. I know I can never return his feelings. Not now and will never be able to. I realized that I have no rights to call you a hypocrite when I did similar things as well. I kissed you without your permission and I did not care about Lucas. I was selfish, for no reason."

Jungkook pressed his forehead forward. As Taehyung continues to cry, he continued to speak. The younger has never felt the need to empty his heart before. Right now, with the overwhelming presence of the older surrounding him, Jungkook knows he can't back out. He needed to speak. He needed to speak only the truth.

"Taehyung? Will you at least look at me?" The plea was so compelling as Taehyung had no choice but to abide. He was enchanted.

"I love you Tae."

The silver head's glossy eyes adjusted its vision to take in the image of the younger. If Taehyung looked like he was run over by a truck, then Jungkook looked worse. The younger looked like he was stormed under an avalanche.

"I don't know what to say Jungkook."

His voice was hoarse, it sounded broken underneath the perfect sentence which Taehyung managed to voice out.

"I don't think so I deserve you Jungkook. I did nothing to deserve you Bun." The older took the younger's face, held it in the palm of his hands while Jungkook's grip on his grew stronger.

Both the males were trembling, the simple touch of their bodies together transferred the flow of emotion like an electric current, shocking each of them to their core. Jungkook could feel the coldness from the tips of Taehyung's fingers while the older could feel the quivering of the younger's body.

"Please say anything but not this Tae. I want to know how you truly feel."

Jungkook couldn't bring himself to confess how he overheard Taehyung and Yoongi's conversation at the office. He wanted to scream and request Tae to admit that the silver head did say how in love he is with Jungkook. The raven head wants to beat his chest and claim proudly that he is being loved in return.

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