7. The Face That I Reckon

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"Well hello there Jungkook."

The raven head gulped. Hearing his name roll out from the tongue of the man who crumbled him years ago made the younger shiver. It tasted like venom and sounded like a devil's invite.

"Have we met before?"

Jungkook can't believe this. Is he fucking hearing this? Taehyung is asking if they have met before? Right at the corner of the table, Namjoon raised his brow equally puzzled at his cousin's question.


"Taehyung? Why don't you settle down and get the meeting started? I'm sure we will have time for chit chat later on."

The purple head urged his cousin to take a seat as the rest of the members on the floor took a double turn at the slightly awkward encounter between Tae and Jungkook who 'just met'. Namjoon seems to be the most aware out of them all and knows something is cooking with Jungkook's sudden stutters which the younger didn't exhibit the moment he walked in confidently to a table of professionals.

"Sure. I would love to catch up further."

Taehyung threw the raven head a subtle wink only for the eyes of Jungkook to catch as he took the seat at the head of the table, as usual. Without hesitation, the silver head unbuttoned his shirt completely to the last button and casually redone his shirt which was a mess from his earlier hustles.

"So? Are we gonna start the meeting or stare at my chiselled chest?"

The silver head chuckled as he ran his wet tongue over his lower lips, particularly aiming his gaze at the dark raven head at the table. The young tycoon caught a few knowing looks across the table with some eye rolls as Jungkook didn't dare to even spare a glance at the silver head who is swallowing him whole with his provoking looks.

"Right! So, I'm glad to be here as part of the Managing Director for Gardler to collab on the biggest expansion for Vante Corp. I've brought with me my finest talents. Over here, Jungkook who I appointed as my counterpart in Sydney and Korea while Jimin is the new addition to the team as a junior architect."

"Jungkook will be spearheading the entire project as he hails from Australia and has a Korean lineage as well. He actively participates in almost all the project across Korea-Australia for the past 5 years even before he was assigned as the director so I believe he has the full ability to watch the work from the ground and will be a good team leader for the project."

Hosoek added as his shoulder raised proudly showcasing his best talent - Jungkook who he groomed since he found the younger through a talent program in Seoul.

"I can see you're quite proud of him. Must be a gem to you and your company."

Taehyung's eyes never left the younger. He was hawking at Jungkook like an eagle as he continued tapping his ball pen on the glass surface, creating a subtle white noise.

"Indeed. We only hire the best talent in Gardler Mr Kim, so rest assured that although my boys here are barely the age of 30, they have proven to me their experiences and skills which is something I'm proud to put in line to work on the expansion for Vante."

Jimin grinned from ear to ear listening to their boss's compliments and confidence overflowing on both Jungkook and him.

"Very well then. Why don't Jungkook over there show us what he got?"

Taehyung's voice sounded like an open challenge. He was waiting to be impressed by the young raven head whom he can't seem to take his eyes off.

"Sure. If I may."

Jungkook asked for his kind permission across the table as he switched on his iPad to pull up a short presentation he prepared about his designs and plans for the expansion.

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