12 | D.B. I Space Oddity

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The grand journey, destination unclear
Which path to take? Whispers in my ear

Who do you want to be?
What kind of person will you grow into?
Don't you know life doesn't come free?

I want to entertain people, somehow
No matter how, I just want to stand out

I want to exist in history, be known
My name on their lips
Praises sung, like a throne

On and on I go, talking about then
Forgetting I live in the present

No thought to how I'm gonna get there
No thought of what I'll actually do
Life is far from fair, I didn't prepare

Blind ambition, it's a fool's gold
Not noticing the freezing cold

Coasting through life, living off dreams
Head stuck in the clouds
Blinded to life's cruel machine

I need to find my place
Or I'll be left behind, adrift in space

Find a path and stick to it
The jack of all trades is a master of none
So find something you're good at

I want great things for myself
But it's up to me and no one else

Head in the future by ambition
But I'm living in the present
Up to me to meet my expectations

- 1/2/20

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