15 | D.B. IV Five Years

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Five years, almost six
Since the day you drove away
You and little sis
Starting new, again
Thought life'd be a quick fix?

Back then I was angry
Now I'm just hurt
Felt tossed aside, frankly
Fifteen, feeling alone
Told myself "now you're free"

But I just wanted you
A mother's supposed to raise her kids
But it seems you had better things to do
Now I see you from time to time
You're becoming a different person than I knew

You seem to be doing better
Found yourself a new family
I hope you treat them like treasure
They deserve better than we got
Hope you stopped being a homewrecker

You've stopped doing drugs
Being better for little sister
You've stopped going to clubs
Being better for your new family
Your new husband and sons

I'm not angry anymore, but it still stings
I want to forgive you, but it's hard
But I want to grow, now is where it begins
So it's okay mom
Just promise me, you'll take care of those kids

- 1/3/20

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