Chapter 64

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Stockholm Syndrome, Happily, Hey Angel, Little Black Dress, Temporary Fix

I am sitting in the audience surrounded by millions of people all wondering the same thing. What the fuck is going to happen?

Louis was not very clear yesterday on the live. I almost passed out when the rest of the boys came onto the screen. What didn't help was the fact that Harry was wearing the same sweater as the boy who was in view of the camera earlier dancing around with Louis.

All the antis have been saying that it's just a coincidence but I know better. There is no such this as a coincidence with them. Maybe in the beginning but definitely not now.

I came to this concert with two other girls who think they are stans but they actually have no idea who they are. Let's just say I am incredibly grateful when the lights dim and they shut up about the fact they think "blond one with green eyes named Zayn is so cute".

The large screen on the back drop of the stage lights up. Everyone around me is screaming, I join in.

The end of Louis' live fades from white onto the screen.

"Just one more thing we have to say." The boys all come into view on screen, everyone gets louder. "We hope you enjoy the show."

Everything goes black. The beginning of Stockholm Syndrome starts playing. I have never screamed louder in my entire life.

Who's that shadow holding me hostage?
I've been here for days

Silhouettes of the boys appear in front of a white background of the screen as we hear Harry sing the opening verse.

Who's this whisper telling me
that I'm never gonna get away?

I cheer with the rest of the crowd as we hear Zayn start to sing. There are spotlights moving over the crowd in random patterns. They have never done a show like this before, I can't believe I get to see it first hand.

I know they'll be coming to find me soon,
But I fear I'm getting used to
Being held by you

I scream when the lights turn on over the stage and we can see all the boys standing there. And holy shit. HARRY CUT IS FUCKING HAIR!

Baby, look what you've done to me
Baby, look what you've done now

Harry sings into his mic, walking down the length of the catwalk into the centre of the stadium.

Baby, I'll never leave
If you keep holding me this way, oh oh-oh

He is wearing a pair of white pants that are wide around his feet. And an incredibly glittery blue blouse, the sleeves are rolled up exposing the tattoos on his arms.

Baby, look what you've done to me
Baby, you've got me tied down

He keeps smiling brightly out at us. I see it on the screen behind him.

Baby, I'll never leave
If you keep holding me this way, oh oh-oh

He looks so confident, dancing around and interacting with the audience and the boys on stage with him. Confidence is a good look on him.

I am dancing around and screaming the lyrics with the people around me. The girls I came with are dancing too, but don't seem to know any of the words.

The first song ends and Liam comes forward, closer to the us in the audience.

"How are you doing tonight London?" He asks into the mic.

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