Chapter 15

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WARNING* this chapter contains homophobic language*

cameras flashing every time we go out

Louis' POV

Paul got us food having assumed that we hadn't eaten anything. Which we hadn't. So I am grateful.

"Off to the studio?" He asks, looking at us through the rearview mirror.

"Yes," Harry answers. "Thank you Paul."

The car ride is mostly filled with us making small talk. It's nice to get to know Paul. He is really nice, kind of intimidating but that's his job. We are turning down the street to the studio.

"Just so you two know there are going to be a lot of paps here." Paul says.

"Really? Why so many?" I ask confused.

"Ever since H passed out, the paps have been coming to the studio to see if he will again." Paul explains.

"That's kind of awful." I say. Harry looks over at me. "They just want a picture of you passed out so they can sell it to a magazine, they don't actually care if you are okay. It's disgusting."

There is a small smile on Harry's lips. He is looking at me as though I have just given him all the secrets of the universe.

"What?" I ask.

"You're amazing." He says pecking my cheek. I flush.

The car stops and Paul turns to us. "You both have sunglasses?" I nod and so does Harry. "Good, put them on and keep your heads down. I'll get out first and try to keep them away from you. It's going to be a little loud since there are so many of them."

I know he is explaining it more for me than Harry, but he talks to both of us. I wonder, if they have this conversation every time they get out of the car and there are paps. I wonder if being surrounded has ever stressed Harry out like it did when we first met. I wonder how he deals will all of this.

I don't say anything I just pull on the sunglasses and wait for Paul to open the door.

Harry squeezes my hand before dropping it and exiting the car. I can hear the yelling as soon as he steps out.

"Harry! How are you after you passed out?!"

"Harry! Is there anything you would like to say to the fans who made you pass out?!"

"Harry! What's your relationship with Louis Tomlinson?!"

I take a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

When I step out of the car I am instantly met with bright flashing lights, I'm glad Paul told me to wear sun glasses. The noise seems to gets louder. Apparently my presence is incredibly fascinating.

"Who is that!?"

"It looks like Louis Tomlinson!"

"Louis! What do you have to say about saving Harry's life!?"

"What was is like to save the life of a world famous singer!?"

"Louis! have you and Harry gotten close after you saved his life?!"

"What's it like being friends with someone who is famous while you are ordinary?!"

All of the questions are about Harry. They are directed at me but they are about Harry. It's kind of sad to think that they "care" so much about one persons life that they will talk to anyone to know anything. And it's not like they actually care, they just want a story.

Paul is pushing people back so I can get through.

It honestly could be worse they could be shouting other things at me. But then there is one question shouted louder than all the others. It makes my stomach turn.

"Does Harry know that you're a faggot?"

The second I hear that word the crowd gets even louder. I haven't heard that word in a while. I was so used to hearing it in my home town that it no longer affects me.

All the questions are now about my sexuality and Harry. If I would try to date him, if I would ever make a move on him, if that is the reason I saved him.

I am close behind Harry so that I don't loose him. I think he hears the questions too because he turns around and wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me with him the final steps into the studio.

"Are you okay?" Harry asks once we are inside.

He looks a little shaken up, I wonder if he hears that word often. He has mentioned that his management doesn't like the fact that he isn't straight, but he has never told me what they actually say behind closed doors.

"Yeah," I answer quietly, looking up into his eyes. He took off the sunglasses and is looking at me in concern. "Do you think I just made things worse for you?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Management likes when they talk."

"I'm not talking about me coming here," I say. "I'm talking about the questions about us."

He shrugs. "There is no way to know." Is all he says.

He hugs, me trying to reassure me, I'm sure. "Come on, I'm excited for you to meet the boys."

He grabs my hand and pulls me down the hallway.

I know this chapter is short but the next one is pretty long so I think that makes up for it. 😊

I hope you liked this chapter.

I am sorry if the language used offended you. Personally I hate it when people use that word, especially since I myself am not straight.

I hope I didn't offend you.


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