Chapter 6

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look what you've done to me

Harry's POV

I really want to see Louis again. I know its probably really weird considering we just met. But he was so kind, and he didn't treat me like other people do. He didn't treat me like I'm famous, he treated me like I am any other person.

We are in the studio again. It was really weird walking in, all the fans were staying away from me. I think it's because they think they're the reason I passed out. I saw one girl wanted to come over to take a picture but she looked scared. I went over and said hi, she was really nice.

After that people stopped treating me like I'm super fragile and going to break at any moment. I'm glad. It's weird that people follow me around screaming, but it's even more weird if they just watch me and don't say anything.

We are recording today, a song I wrote a little while ago called Stockholm Syndrome. I can't seem to focus at all. Louis is all I am thinking about. The lads were making fun of my reaction the his messages this morning. Niall seems to love it though.

It's kind of funny. I really was running around the studio squealing. I have no idea how to explain how he makes me feel. I usually don't act like this about someone I like, it must be something about him. Some of the lyrics I'm singing are fitting with this situation.

Baby, look what you've done to me
Baby look what you've done now
Baby, I'll never leave if you keep holding me this way

I remember how it felt to have his hand on my cheek. It was reassuring. He whole presents was reassuring. Telling me that no matter how difficult it gets, someone will be there to hold my hand and tell me that I am safe. I want that person to always be him.

It's weird how much I feel for him. I just met him yesterday. And I definitely didn't sleep in the sweater he gave me. Nope because that would be creepy.

At least it gives me an excuse to see him again. I'm glad he wants to see me again too. It makes me feel less weird.

I smile thinking about what he sent in response to my last message.

Louis: Not at all, love. I want to get to know you too.

"Hey!" Liam is waving a hand in front of my face. I must have zoned out again. He smirks at me. "Thinking about your saviour again?"

I flush. "No." I lie, everyone can hear that I'm lying.

They all laugh. "You need to get your head out of the clouds right now H." Liam says.

We are all sitting on the couches in the studio, Niall sitting next to me eating chips. Where did he even get those? Liam is sitting on the couch across from us with Zayn next to him.

"Is it weird that I want to see him again?" I ask shyly.

The lads have always been supportive of me. They know how hard management has been on me. They do all they can to make sure that I am okay.

"Of course not mate." Liam reassures.

"Yeah he seems really nice." Niall agrees. "If you guys end up dating he is going to be my best friend."

"I thought I was your best friend." Liam says.

"Sorry Li," Niall says, his tone joking. "but Louis has a sass that just just don't."

We all laughing again. "But no H, your not weird for wanting to talk to him." Niall says a bit more serious.

They all know how I get about talking to guys. I get worried they will release something the the press. Or the media well become to much and they will just leave. Or I'm worried that what happened last time will happen again.

"We all saw the videos, H." Zayn says, finally adding to the conversation. "And this morning while you were talking. You haven't acted like that in a while. He makes you smile."

"Be careful though." Liam says.

"Always." I answer.

Hello again, I hope you liked this chapter.

I know it's not as long as some of the other ones but I needed this part for later in the story 😉

tpwk ❤️❤️

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