Chapter 23

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c'mon, c'mon and dance with me baby

Harry's POV

Louis unlocks the door to the cafe and pulls me inside. I sit myself on the counter. Louis told me that we have about twenty minutes before people usually start to show up.

He is messing around with a bunch of stuff, making us tea. I watch as he walks around the small space.

Everything about him right now is so cute. How tiny he his. The fact that my clothes are a little to big on him, so he has them rolled or pushed up. His hair swooped into a fringe across his forehead. He is biting his lip. Adorable, down right adorable.

I hop off the counter and step towards him. I wrap my arms around him, kissing his cheek. He flushes.

"What was that for?" He turns around in my arms resting his hands on my chest.

"You're just so cute I couldn't help it."

He turns even more red at this. I lean forward and kiss his cheek again, very close to his lips. 

"Um angel?" I ask hesitantly. "Can I help you around the cafe until I need to leave for the interview?"

"Of course baby." He pushes his thumb into my dimple, making me smile even wider. "You'll need to wear one of the aprons though."

I giggle. "Okay."

We go into the back and get some aprons. When we come out the first customer is there. She obviously knows who I am because she just stands there for a moment eyes wide and moth hanging open. I eventually get her order and Louis makes it while I take a picture with her.

"You're going to have to work the till," He says chuckling after she leaves.

"Probably." We drink the tea Louis made us while we work.

I meet quiet a few fans, but at a reasonable rate. I don't think any of them have said my location yet which I am grateful for.

Louis and I get into a rhythm, causally flirting with each other, but not enough to draw anyones attention.

It's about 11:30, we have been here for a few hours. There aren't a ton of people in the cafe at the moment. But there is a group of girls who I took pictures with, who are sitting and giggling while they drink their iced coffees.

I just finished helping out a customer when I hear the beginning of one of my songs play over the speaker. I look over to Louis who is giving me an innocent look. Everyone in the cafe is looking over at us. I can see a few girls trying to subtly film what's about to happen.

"Louis no," I say, but I am grinning so I don't sound serious.

"Louis yes," He says turning up the volume a bit.

"You are literally a five year old." I say shaking my head fondly.

"Why thank you Hazza," He says giving me a little bow. I giggle at his antics.

The one that I came with
She had to go
But you look amazing
Standing alone

He walks over so he is standing right in front of the till. He does a goofy dance to the first verse and I can't help but laugh.

So c'mon, c'mon

He steps around the counter so he is on the same side as me.

Move a little closer now

He takes two side steps towards me, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. I can't stop giggling.

C'mon, c'mon

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