Chapter 16

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I'll still feel the same about you

Louis' POV

As we get closer to the studio the more anxious I get. I am extremely worried about meeting the other lads. I worried that they already don't like me. I hope I don't make a complete fool of myself. Not only because they are One Direction, but also because they are Harry's friends and I want them to like me. I don't think it's bad to want his friends to like me.

Harry opens the door to one of the studios and I can hear music fading out of the room. It kind of sounds like pirate music, something they would use in a Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

"What's that?" I ask him.

"Oh that's Act My Age, I think we are finishing it up today."

I freeze. I'm going to hear their music before it's released. Am I even allowed to do that?

"Harry," I start, grabbing hold of his arm. "Are you sure you want me in there? Am I even allow-"

"Yes I want you there and yes you are allowed to be here." He interrupts. "Your our guest and besides I made sure with them before I suggested it."

I take a deep breath, looking up into his eyes. "You sure?"

"Absolutely." He nods, smiling. "Now, let's see what those idiots are doing."

I laugh following him into the room. The music gets louder and I can hear the lads singing.

"I won't act my age, no I won't act my age. No, I'll still feel the same and you will too,"

I see all the lads standing up, there back facing us. Harry puts a finger to his lips to tell me to be quiet. I nod, wondering what he is about to do.

The music gets quiet for a second and Harry gets really close to Niall.

"Hey!" Harry shouts as the musics gets loud again.

Liam screams and they all visibly jump.

Harry and I both start cackling as they turn around. Niall is laughing too. Liam and Zayn are both shooting daggers with there gaze directed at Harry. But then start laughing when they hear Niall.

Niall comes over to me and Harry. Grabbing our hands and making us dance around the room. The music continues on and we are all laughing.

Needless to say, I am no longer worried about meeting them.

We keep dancing around the studio, Niall seems to have gotten Liam and Zayn to join in, somewhat. The song ends and we fall back on the couch all laughing.

"Hi," I say. I continue to laugh as Niall turns to me. "I'm Louis."

"We know," All the boys except for Harry answer in sync. We all start laughing again.

"Harry never shuts up about you." Niall adds, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Heyyy." Harry says, hitting his arm. "You lot need to quit calling me out."

"Sorry H, but it's true." Liam says. Harry pouts, I try not to coo.

Harry is sitting next to me on the couch, and Niall is on the floor in front of us. Zayn and Liam on the couch cross from us. There is another man in the room too, he is sitting by the recording system.

Harry catches me looking at him. "Oh that's Julian he is helping us write this album."

"Nice to me you." Julian waves from where he is seated.

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