Chapter 37

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This chapter will contain smut. There will be another warning right before and when it is done.

when I sleep I'm gonna dream of how you...

Louis' POV

"I love today." I speak into Harry's chest.

We are lying down on his bed, he is under me and my arms are wrapped around his middle holding him close.

"Me too."

Harry tightens his grip on my waist, that is only covered by a pair of boxers. I smile into his chest, breathing in deeply.

We lay for a minute or two longer, just enjoying being this close.

Looking up I find Harry already watching me. I smile at him, he smiles back. I reach out and poke his dimple which makes him smile even more.

I lean up and peck his lips.

"Why do you love today so much, angel?" He asks cautiously.

"Well," I say smirking. I lean up so our lips are brushing as I speak. "for one, I'm lying in bed with my beautiful boyfriend."

Harry's perfect dimpled smile never leaving his face, a blush adding itself to the mix of cuteness. I kiss his cheek.

"And he is wearing one of my hoodies." I say softly. The speak into his lips again. "Which makes him look both hot and cute at the same,"

He giggles and I kiss him again. A little deeper this time. Opening his lips with my own but teasing by not using tongue.

"And we're kissing." I talk into his mouth, smile still on my lips.

I teasingly lick into his mouth. He groans when I don't give him more. I chuckle.

"I love kissing you."

I dive back in. He immediately opens his mouth for me. Our tongues dance together until I pull back again. Softening the parting by pecking his lips again gently.

"And," I rub our noses together in a cute eskimo kiss. "on top of all that,"

I lean back a little looking down at my hand which is resting on Harry's hip. Gently rubbing circles into the skin just above a pair of white lacy panties.

"he is wearing a very nice pair of panties."

I look back into his eyes, they are shinning brightly at me.

"You like them?" He sounds shy.

"Yes," I nod kissing him again. "do you like them?"

He only nods before pulling me down for another kiss.

I keep rubbing circles into his hip bones. His hands that are now on my lower back, pushing me down into him.

The kiss gets more heated. I can hear him whimpering softly into my mouth.


"Baby?" I ask.

"Mhm?" He is still kissing me.

"Can I make you feel good?" I whisper into his neck.

"I already feel good." He mumbles a little breathless.

I kiss him again. Not sure if that is a sign to keep doing what we are doing or do more.

I lick around in him mouth, gently rolling my hips into his.

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