Chapter 32

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This chapter will contain smut. That is pretty much all this chapter is so yeah...

such a pretty face, on a pretty neck

Harry's POV

The door shuts behind him as I push him into it. Our lips are moving hotly together. It was hard to not let him take me in the car on the way here.

We left the studio with bright smiles on our faces. There were still a lot of fans and a few paps.

Niall had posted part of the video online, the last time I sang the chorus and a photo of me and Louis hugging. I could tell that people wanted answers but I didn't really care. I still don't.

I smashed our lips together in the car after I told Paul to take us to my house. Louis kissed me back immediately. I dragged him with me into the house when we got here, keeping a hand on his waist.

Now, my hands are kneading the muscle of his ass. He moans into my mouth. I moan in return when he tugs on my hair.

I lick deeper into his mouth. He rolls his hips into mine, both of us groan at the friction.

We both pull away looking into each others eyes.

"Upstairs?" I ask.

"Yes." He nods furiously pulling my lips back to his.

We kick off our shoes. He jumps into my arms, legs wrapping around my waist. I hold him up under his thighs and start walking us to my room.

He is unbuttoning my shirt as I walk. When we are in my room, I set him down. He pushes my shirt off of my shoulders and whips his shirt off over hist head.

Then he rushes forward, bringing our lips together by the back of my neck, rolling his hips into mine. I moan.

He turns us around and pushes me down onto the bed, climbing on top of me. His hands instantly go to the button of my jeans.

He pulls away looking into my eyes for confirmation before he takes off my jeans. I lean up to kiss him again, before helping him remove his own jeans.

When they are discarded, he leans back over me. His pupils are blown wide, and yet, are still shinning the brightest blue. He is looking into my eyes too.

We both smile, letting out a breathless short laugh each before smashing our lips together again.

His hands are running up and down my sides. My hands have found their place on Louis ass. He his kissing me deeply, I let him lick around in my mouth.

He grinds down into me and I detach our lips. I moan, tilting my head back in the process. He starts kissing gently down my neck. I want him to give me a love bite so badly. I don't even care anymore.

"Lou," I sigh.

"Yes baby?" He answers, breathless.

"Please." I moan out the word.

"What do you need baby?" He is whispering into my ear, still pressing light kisses to my neck.

I don't say anything, I just push his face harder into my neck.

He understands what I asking because he pulls back. "Hazza baby are you sure? I don't want you get in tr-"

"I don't care." I cut him off, pushing his face into my neck again. He does what I ask, finding my sweet spot and sucking.

I moan out at the feeling, grinding my hips up as I pull his down. He moans into my neck, pulling off from the mark he made.

He starts trailing kisses down my chest, licking and marking the more sensitive parts of my body. I am writhing under his touch.

I am so hard I want him to touch me so badly.

His lips are now at the edge of my boxers. I am grabbing at the sheets of my bed.

I buck my hips up to his mouth when he sucks a mark there. He pulls back a little looking into my eyes. His hands are stroking my thighs.

I give him a little nod. He pulls my boxers off, kissing up my thighs avoiding where I want him to touch me the most.

"Lou," I whine, squirming.

He looks me in the eye when he brings me into his mouth. I moan loudly, my head tilting back and closing my eyes.

He is pushing his mouth further and further up my length, licking and sucking. I am moaning loudly, gripping tightly at the bed sheets.

He starts bobbing his head. I am trying to keeping the feeling in my my abdomen, wanting this to last.

"Angel if you keep going that I won't last," I moan out.

He pulls off and I whimper. He starts kissing the insides of my thighs again.

"Holy shit!" I let out another loud moan when he starts licking my rim. My back is aching and I am gripping at his hair.

His tongue is poking and prodding at my entrance. My legs are shaking with pleasure. He starts to slowly push in a finger, kissing my thighs to distract me from the pain.

Soon I am moaning loudly begging for more, which he gives. He isn't moving his fingers and it's so frustrating. I whimper slowly pushing myself down onto him.

He must notice that I want more because he starts moving his fingers in and out. I keep moaning and squirming in pleasure underneath him, unable to control myself.

"Lou please." I beg just wanting him inside me already.

He chuckles, pulling his fingers out and I whimper at the lost of contact. Louis quickly rolls a condom over his length, slicking himself up more so it hurts less.

He hovers over me, aligning himself with my hole.

"You sure?" He asks.

I love the need for consent we both have. "Yes." I moan out.

He starts to slowly lower himself into me. I hiss at the pain, he kisses me deeply to distract me. He stops when he is all the way in, kissing me hotly while he waits for me to adjust.

I pull my lips away from his and give him a little nod when he can start moving.

He is thrusting into me gently, still worried about hurting me. His face is pressed into the side of my neck. We are moaning into each others ears.

He slowly picks up his pace and we find a rhythm. I moan loudly when he hits the bundle of nerves that drive me crazy.

He thrusts harder when he hears me, hitting that spot repeatedly. I buck my hips up in time with his thrusts.

We are kissing again. I don't even know if it could be called kissing. Our tongues are tangling together and we are moaning into each others mouths.

I am getting closer and closer to reaching my high. Louis takes hold of my dick pumping me in time with his thrusts. It pushes me over the edge and I come onto both of our chest.

He comes soon after, ridding out his high.

I wince when he pulls out. "Sorry baby." He says softly.

"It's okay." I answer.

He ties of the condom tossing it in the trash next to my bed. I grab a cloth wiping off both of our chests.

I throw the cloth onto the floor somewhere, he pulls me in for another kiss. When he pulls away, we look into each others eyes, smiling brightly.

We don't say anything. He pulls me closer to him, I snuggle into his chest. He kisses the top of my head wrapping his arms around me. Our legs tangled together. I gently kiss his collarbones, and drift off to sleep listening to his heart beat.

Okay I am sorry for not updating yesterday but I hope the smut makes up for it. 😉


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