Chapter 7

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coffee's out

Louis' POV

I push open the doors of the cafe, and rush to the back. I am a few minutes late, at least Eleanor was here to open up.

"Morning." I hear her say.

I shove my stuff in my staff locker. Pulling the black apron over my grey shirt and tying it at the back.

"Hey." I say in answer.

I finally come out from the back, pushing my sweater up over my elbows.

The shop sounds weirdly quiet. There are usually lots of people in here around this time. When I look up I see that everyone is looking at me. And when I say everyone I mean everyone.

"Um, why are you all staring at me?" I ask quietly.

I'm not used to having this many people staring at me. The last time I did was back in high school. Let me tell you it wasn't a very pleasant memory.

I look to Eleanor she is smirking at me. "You came in right after your tv special." She says in a teasing tone.

"What?" I ask confused. 

"Your twitter conversation is all over the news." She points to the tv mounted on the wall in the corner.

My cheeks heat up, I'm no doubt beet red right now. She chuckles, and turns back to the rest of the shop. "Do you guys want anything else to drink or something?"

I can tell she is trying to move the attention away from me. It works people turn back to what they were doing perviously. I give her a small smile and mouth a thank you. She smiles back and nods.

"So what did you talk about?" She says elbowing me.

My cheeks flush again. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Niall Horan tweeted at you saying Harry Styles was running around the studio squealing and blushing and you're telling me you don't know what I'm talking about." She says sassily.

I sigh out a laugh. There is no way I'm getting out of this one.

"He thanked me that's all." I say, going over to the counter to make a tea for myself. Yes I make myself tea when I am on my shift.

Eleanor gives me a sceptical look.

"And then he may have called me cute." I mumble.

"What!" She shouts. Everyone on the cafe looks at us again. She gives them a look and they look away.

"And angel." I say even quieter.

"He called you what?" She says. Clearly not hearing what I said. I am bright red again, I get the sense that everyone in the cafe is eavesdropping on our conversation.

"Angel." I say, not looking her in the eyes.

"Aww that's so cute." I roll my eyes at her. "That doesn't explain why he was blushing though."

"I may or may not have told him that he was adorable and I liked his dimples." I say, smiling.

"Of course you did." She shakes her head at me. Then turns to the counter where a customer is waiting.

The customer, a girl with short hair that is dyed a very bright blue, gasps when she sees my face.

"You're Louis Tomlinson." She says excitedly.

Eleanor looks back at me. She probably finds it just as weird as I do that people know who I am.

"Um, yeah."

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