Chapter 4

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I really saw an angel

Harry' POV

I never thanked him.

I realize this now that I am alone in my house. The lads called me as soon as I was in the car, they had to wait until most of the paps left before leaving. My mum called too, she saw it on the news. They are all saying I passed out because the fans were stressing me out. If only they knew the truth.

There are a few video of what happened. It's weird to see it from a different perspective. Twitter is going crazy. Some of it is making sure I am okay, some of it is thanking Louis for helping me. But it's mostly people getting mad at the fans for stressing me out. It wasn't them though. I want to tell them it wasn't the fans, but Modest! won't let me.

I have been sitting here for hours. I drank water like he said, I also ate something. I am to caught up in my own head to do anything right now.

I can't believe I didn't thank him. The literal angel sent from above. He was so beautiful, his presence was so calming. When I was speaking with him I almost forgot about everything. About the situation I was in. The life that I live. All I could focus on was his gorgeous blue eyes, perfect cheekbones, and pink lips.

I still have his sweater. It's plain white. It smells like him. Is it weird that I want to wear it? We just met. He saved me. I would have been trampled if he wasn't there.

I need to find him.

Hello again, this chapter is super short and kind of a filler.

I'm going to post the next one as soon as I'm done editing it. 😊


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