Chapter 5

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in front of all these people

Louis' POV

Fan Helps Harry Styles After He Passes Out In Front Of Studio

It's on the news. On the actual fucking news. Lottie is freaking out. I talked to her one the phone for a while. She demanded every detail. I told her everything. The videos didn't pick up our entire conversation, so she freaks out even more when I tell her about how he was kind of flirting with me.

Eleanor called me to make sure I am okay. I tell her the same stuff as Lottie. She isn't really freaking out. I think that's because she knows I can't have her freaking out. I need one person to not be freaking out about this.

I decide to write out what happened. I don't ever want to forget it. I just met someone who saved my life. And I got to save his.

I write until my hands sore and my eyes are droopy. Then I get ready for bed and fall asleep almost immediately.

- - - - - - -

I wake up the next morning to an incredibly annoying, repetitive dinging. When I check my phone I see that my twitter mentions are blowing up. What the fuck happened while I was asleep?

My eyes widen when I see that I have gained a few thousand followers. I already had a pretty large following because of the book but no where near this many.

I am scrolling through my mentions trying to find out what caused all this, everyone seems to be tweeting my account at Harry. I check his twitter and that is when I see it.

Please help me find the literal angel who helped me today. He said his name is Louis. I never got to thank him.

I stare at my phone wide eyed. He tried to find me. He called me an angel. I smile and blush at the thought. What the fuck even is life?

What amazes and terrifies me the most is that they seemed to have found my account very quickly. How could they have possibly found me so fast? All he said is that my name is Louis. I try not to think about it too much.

@Harry_Styles I hope you're doing alright now, love x

I instantly get a whole bunch of notifications, I fix that in my settings. I leave my room to go make some tea. I have work again today, but not until later. And after yesterday's events I just want to stay inside for as long as possible. I sit down on the couch in my living room and sip at my tea when I get an other notification.

@Louis_Tomlinson better now thanks to you, angel x

My breath catches is my throat. Is he going to keep calling me angel because I am certainly not going to complain if he does.

@Harry_Styles it's no problem, honestly love. I'm glad you're okay.

@Louis_Tomlinson thank you for helping @Harry_Styles you are literally all he has been talking about this morning.

@NiallOfficial @Harry_Styles oh really?

@Louis_Tomlinson @Harry_Styles Yes really, it's so annoying

@Louis_Tominson @Harry_Styles He won't shut up about you honestly

@NiallOfficial @zaynmalik @LiamPayne @Harry_Styles Good to know :)

@Harry Styles
@NiallOfficial @zaynmalik @LiamPayne @Louis_Tomlinson shhhhh 🤫 don't expose me

This is too funny. Not only Harry's reaction, but all the fans. They are freaking out. Most of them wondering why on earth Harry is talking about me so much. And If I am honest I am wondering the same thing too.

@Harry_Styles too late for that love, sorry

Then he really shocks me. Their fans are freaking out like crazy. So many tweets are going through my page, I almost miss the one he sent me.

@Louis_Tomlinson check your dms

Sure enough there is a message from Harry.

Seriously I wanted to thank you for helping me

It's alright, love, no problem. I'm sorry that fans get so in your face all the time.

Oh, so your saying you aren't a fan?

No that's not what I meant, I'm sorry. I just meant I'm sorry that you can't even leave a building without being swarmed by fans.

Calm down, angel. I'm only teasing.

I blush down at my phone, I can't help it. He makes me feel like a teenage girl squealing when she gets a text from her crush.

Hey where did you go?

you're making me blush

Harry: Aww angel, you are too cute

pffff, you are the cute one
have you seen your dimples, adorable

Harry: now I'm blushing

I am about to respond, but I get a notification saying Niall tweeted at me.

@Louis_Tomlinson what did you do? @Harry_Styles is blushing and running around the studio

I almost spit out my tea. I can't believe this. He is too cute for his own good.

@Louis_Tomlinson @NiallOfficial shut up

@NiallOfficial @Harry_Styles just pointing out the obvious, his dimples are adorable

@Louis_Tomlinson @Harry_Styles he is squealing. I ship it #Larry

@NiallOfficial @Louis_Tomlinson quit exposing me

I laugh, liking Niall's tweet. It's funny to watch all of there fans freak out over this. I scroll through my mentions. Most of them are talking about how they agree with my comment on Harry's dimples. I like those tweets, and their fans start freaking out all over again. It's really weird to see people freak out over my tweets.

I scroll further down into my mentions and see some hate comments. All of them about me either being gay or making Harry gay. I have had things said to me in person about being gay, just never really the internet. I don't want to read it, I am in too good of a mood right now.

I finish up my tea and go to get ready for work. I check my phone one last time. There is a message from Harry.

Is it bad that I want to get to know you?

Hello I forgot to post this yesterday sorry lol.

Anyways I hoped you liked this part 😊


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