Chapter 35

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you're perfect now

Louis' POV

I woke up this morning thinking about yesterday.

Yesterday was perfect. Everyday is perfect when I get to spend it with Harry but yesterday was extra special to me.

After our impromptu make out session in the kitchen, we ended up lying on the floor of his main entrance. Looking at the beautiful glass chandelier and just talking until we got hungry.

Then we spent the rest of the day sat and watching a couple films on Harry's massive tv. Kissing and giggling, not really paying attention to the screen until Harry fell asleep in my lap.

I didn't think I could carry him upstairs so I just drapped a blanket over the two of us and let him sleep.

We are lying on his living room couch, have just eaten a delicious breakfast that we made. Well, Harry made, I sat on the counter and watched.

We kind of swapped outfits today. Well almost. Harry I wearing the hoodie I gave him when we first met and a different pair of shorts.

And let me tell you, if I even looked half as good as he does right now, I'd completely understand why he was all over me yesterday.

It's moments like this, when he looks so hot I can barely breath, that I realize how many girls would kill to be in my position. I'm smiling knowing that out of all of them, he picked me.

"Haz?" I ask. He lifts his head from where it was resting on my chest to look at me. "I just realized we haven't really talked about our sexualities."

"Huh?" He said in realization, sitting up a little bit. "Guess we haven't."

I sit up too, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Well we both know that we at least like guys." Harry laughs when I say this.

"Definitely." His giggle is so cute.

I pull him closer too me so he is sitting on my lap. He burrows himself closer into my hold.

"Are you bi or pan or something or just gay?"

"Umm, I'm not really sure." He says quietly. Then sighs, looking me in the eye before speaking. "I guess I never really liked the idea of using a label. I just like who I like when I like them. And right now"

He leans closer to me, I smile shyly. "I really like you."

I let out a little giggle. "And I really like you."

I smile and I pull him in for a deep kiss. One of my hands coming to rest on his jaw. "So if I was a girl you would still like me?" I ask.

Harry nods. "Yeah, probably." My thumb brushes his cheekbone and he asks shyly. "What about you?"

I sigh, not really looking him in the eye. "I always used to think that I was completely gay." I pause, Harry gives me a look that says keep going. "but uh, it's hard to explain."

"It's alright just try." He snuggles closer, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I guess if you were a girl I would still like you," I pause. "It confuses me because I have never really liked a girl, but if you were one I would like you. But I don't know. Like I don't know if I would feel sexually attracted to you." I look into his eyes. "That sounds so awful."

I hide my face in my hands.

"No it doesn't." Harry reassures. "There are different types of attraction Louis, you just might not feel one of them when it comes to girls. That doesn't make you a bad person."

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