Chapter 25

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do you ever wonder why?

Louis' POV

Twitter is on fucking fire.

Everyone saw the way they all suddenly stopped laughing when she spoke. They all saw how Harry didn't talk for the rest of the interview. Everyone heard her as well, I'm not sure if she knows that though.

If I am being honest the fact she said that probably did the opposite of what they wanted. People think that it's proof that Harry and I are in a relationship that we aren't allowed to talk about. And I mean, they aren't entirely wrong.

They are talking a lot about everything Niall said. Me calling Harry baby, yes we all heard that. The comment about Harry's intentions.

And they are also talking about the reaction all the boys had to what harry said about my sexuality affecting our relationship.

To be completely truthful, I also laughed when he said that. I'm sure they are talking about that on twitter too. A group of girls were filming my reaction to the whole thing.

But the thing they are talking about probably the most is what Harry said before they asked about me. That it wasn't the fans fault he passed out. That he was already stressed. Even I didn't know that. The other lads also didn't seem to know why he was stressed either.

I wonder what got him so overwhelmed then. I wonder why he hasn't told me.

I hope Harry is okay though. He seemed so uncomfortable for the rest of the interview. He looked so upset. I just want to hug him. Tell him that everything is going to be okay.

Lottie rung me after I hung up the call with Harry. She wanted to make sure I was okay. She saw the whole thing happen just like everyone else. I assured her that I was fine. Which I am. I'm just worried about Harry.

Harry shows up at my house a few minutes after I get off the phone with Lottie. I put on a pot of tea as soon as I got off the phone. When I got home I changed into some comfy clothes. A pair of sweat pants and a white t-shirt.

When he steps through the door he wraps his arms around me. I can see now that the interview was very hard on him. When he called me it sounded like he was seconds away from bursting into tears. But with him in front of me now, I can actually see the emotional toll it took.

"You alright baby?" I hug him back, rubbing my hands up and down his back soothingly.

"I am now," He whispers into the crook of my neck. "I just needed a hug from my angel."

I blush when he says that. His angel. I'm his angel. I don't think I will be able to get over him calling me that anything soon.

I kiss his hair. "I made some tea, you can change into something more comfortable in my room."

He nods and goes into my room. I go into he kitchen and make our tea. I am just about finished the tea when I feel arms wrap around me from behind. Harry's comforting scent engulfs me. I lean into his touch.

He presses a light kiss to my cheek, and I can't help but smile.

"Are you sure you're alright angel?" He asks. I love that he is concerned about me, it makes me feel safe. "She was being an asshole."

I turn around in his hold. "I promise, I am okay."

I can see that he is wearing a hoodie of mine that it too big for me. On Harry it seems to fit him perfectly, the thought makes me smile. He is also wearing a pair of my sweatpants, and let me tell you he looks down right adorable.

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