Chapter 51

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baby let me love you...

Harry's POV

"Where's Louis?" I ask the boys looking around. We ate dinner in the hotel restaurant and said we would meet up in Zayn and Liam's room. Louis said he was going to go to the bathroom and would meet me there.

He was acting weird all throughout dinner. Whenever I tried to ask him about it he brushed me off, telling me he's fine.

Now I'm looking around their room and I can't see Louis.

"He said he would be down in a little bit." Zayn says nonchalantly. Liam just shrugs.

Niall looks down, sadness written across his face. He was suspiciously quiet all throughout dinner.

"Niall what is it?" I ask worried.

He looks up at me with tears in his eyes. The last time I saw him cry, I was telling the boys about my ex. Now that I can see he is about to I'm worried.

"He's going to leave." Niall whispers.

I frown looking at the other boys. They look just as confused as me.  Moving closer to Niall, Liam puts a hand in his back.

"What? What do you mean?" I ask, stepping forward. My anxiousness spreading through my veins and taking over.

"He-," Niall, chokes on his words. "he's packing right now."

My eyes widen. "I have to go."

Leaving Liam and Zayn to ask Niall what he knows.

I run to Louis and I's room, not caring that I almost run into someone. I'm out of breath when I get there, my heart pumping loud in my ears.

When I open the door, Louis is standing in front of his open suitcase, folding his clothes.  He looks up when Harry enters, tears in his eyes. I already know that he isn't just cleaning up.

"Please don't go." I whisper. 

There is a beat of silence. We just stare into each others eyes.

"We both know I have to, you heard what she said." He was softly looking away from me.

"I don't want this to be over." I say, my voice cracking. Tears welling up in my eyes.

"I don't want that either, but it won't work." Louis swallows, looking down. "Not like this."

I say the first thing that comes to my mind. I don't even try to stop the words from forming on my lips.

"I love you."

Tears stream down Louis face, he closes his eyes taking a deep breath. "You aren't making this any easier."

Louis is stubborn, I know I can't convince him to stay. But I don't want him to leave. Not yet. Not when I'm falling this hard, not before I say a proper goodbye.

"Please just stay one more night." I beg.

"Harry-" Louis stars but I cut him off, gently touching his cheek. 

"Please, let me say goodbye." Hot, wet tears now running down my cheeks. "Let me love you goodbye."

I don't know how, but it works. He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath before nodding. I press my lips to his, making sure he knows how I feel with every soft kiss. 

Louis' POV

This is the hardest thing I will ever do, but I have too. For him. All of it is for him. Always and forever.

- - - - - -

I can't look at him when I wake up. It hurts to much.

I cry as I pack up the last of my things. My tears keep dripping onto my suit case.

This is not how I thought it would go. Meeting Harry I would have never expected this.

I put on my shoes, it takes me a while to tie them because my eyes get blurry from the tears. When they are finally on, I stand up. I let the tears run down my cheeks when I walk towards the door.

I stop in my tracks. I shouldn't do it, but I do.

My face wet with salty tears, vision somewhat blurry. I look at Harry. He looks so peaceful. So calm. So beautiful. Memories of everything we have done together flashes through my head.

I look down for a moment, taking a deep shake breath, then looking at him again.

"I love you too."

If you are wondering this is why I stopped updating...


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