Chapter 31

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Lauria, Jennifer and Julianna arrived at their hideout. She let Julianna down but she was staggering because she used all her strength. Lucifer rushed to Lauria carrying her in his arms seeing her weak condition.

"Master, why do you wish to kill her?" Lauria asked suddenly. They looked at her stunned.

"Because..... you don't need to know. It's none of your business. Just do as you all are told." Julianna walked away.

"Where's Skyler?" Tyler asked looking around.

"She is dead. That mortal killed her with a deadly punch when her powers were going berserk." Jennifer replied.

Tyler sighed, "Her powers were great but it went vain. Well..... it's not like I care." Tyler walked away. Jennifer also walked away leaving Lauria and Lucifer alone.

"Didn't I tell you to be careful?" Lucifer said softly but his voice sounded stern.

"Master's life is important than mine. She is the one who relived me so that I can die-" Lauria's voice cut off with Lucifer locked his lips with hers. She gave in and kissed him back. When they let go, "Death is unpredictable. I don't want you to speak about it now. There are things I want to say to you."

"Then why are you hesitating on telling me?"

"Fine.... how about movie tomorrow? I got some tickets, wanna go? I will tell you everything."

"Is that a date?" her lips curled up to small smile.

"Something like that."

"Alright. I will go."


Julianna was sitting on the rooftop of a high-rise building. She was staring the street. It was still bustling even though it was late at night. Lauria's question rung her head continuously. Tears started to fall. She never cried after leaving Jane behind. That was the last time she ever cried. But today she couldn't stop crying remembering Jane's smiling and crying face. She took out an old photo from cloak's pocket. It was photo of both her and Jane's. It's corners were tore and the quality of the picture was ruined.

"Because I didn't want her suffer like Jane. She lived her whole life alone without parent's or siblings love. She took everyone's burden and smiled while not thinking about her happiness." she stood up and shouted at top of her lungs, "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, FATHER!!! YOU LEFT HER ALL ALONE IN THIS CRUEL WORLD!!! SHE MET HER END BECAUSE OF YOU!!!"


Mila woke up with a headache. She rubbed her temples trying to ease the pain with getting down the bed. She headed to bathroom and got changed. She and Kate greeted each other while heading out.

After school hours, Dan texted her to meet him at the garden. She kept her belongings in locker and said her goodbyes to her friends running towards garden. She looked around waiting for his arrival. Soon someone approached from behind and covered her eyes. She touched his hands and recognized it immediately.

"Dan?" Mila said.

Dan smiled and let go off his hands, "Hey beautiful." she turned around and hugged him hugging her back. He was feeling embarrassed as he never displayed affection publicly. But he didn't care since it was Mila.

"So, what did you want to talk about about?" Mila asked.

"Oh yeah, I was wondering if you would like to go to late night date tonight? I got tickets to the new movie." Dan asked while scratching his chin.

"Late night date? That is also today. You know we have strict curfew and cannot leave campus after eight, right?"

He whispered in her ears, "What if we sneak out after everyone goes back to their respective rooms?"

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