Chapter 33

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It was snowing outside. Mila was working on an assignment. Soon the vacation will start so it was pretty busy for the past few weeks. Kate barged into her room.

"Mila!" Kate shouted.

"Mhmm?" Mila was still endorsed in doing the project.

"Wanna hang out since it's weekend today."

"I don't know. I need to finish this assignment."

"Come on we can finish it later. You need to refresh your mind to finish your assignments!"

She let out a sigh, "Fine. Give me few minutes, I'll get changed."

Street of Berkeley

"It's quite chilly than I thought." Mila rubbing her hands to keep them warm.

"Why don't we go to coffeeshop then?" Kate asked.

"Sure." Mila replied.

They headed to a coffeeshop. They ordered cappuccino and hot caffé latte. They walked out the shop taking sips. Mila's mother called her. She answered the call.

"Excuse me." She whispered to Kate. Kate nodded.

"Hi mom!" Mila said smiling.

"Hi sweetheart!" Mrs. Lee replied.

"How are you?"

"I'm good. How about you? Your voice seemed like you are tired. Is everything alright there?"

"Yeah. I'm just a little tired."

"Make sure to rest well. Don't pull all-night to study. You will get sick because of it."

"I know mom."

"Then tell me, did you get a boyfriend?"

"Yeah I did. He is really a sweet guy."

"What did she say?!" Mr. Lee shouted at the other end.

"Did you know that I also met your father in high school."

"Really? What kind of personality he had?"

As she was talking, she noticed a lost kid in the middle of the road. He was crying for his mother. Mila suddenly noticed a car coming in a high speed. She noticed his mother was running from the other side to save him. Without a second thought she ran towards the kid to save him.

"Mila!" Kate called out as she looked startled by her sudden movement.

She pushed that kid to the other side but she didn't get time to move. The car hit her and she flipped to the other end of the car while the car's tyres screeched as it crashed into the street light. Her phone fell down while her mother was shouting her name on the phone.

"Mila can you hear me? Mila!" Kate called out but she couldn't hear.

People were crowding around seeing happened. She was badly injured. She was losing blood at every second.

"Am I really gonna die?..... Mom... Dad I am sorry if I was a bad kid....." tears trickled down her eyes. Her vision became hazy. She could barely see anything and next moment everything went black.

The time when Mila met the accident, Dan and the triplets were on their way for the family gathering. Dan suddenly braked the car causing them fall forward.

"What was that for?!" Lily shouted grumpily.

"Did you hit something?" Julia asked.

"No. But something did fell in front of the car.

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