Chapter 2

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Williamson Academy, Berkeley

Mila finished all the necessary enrollment and headed to girls dorm section. She was astonished by looking at the design and architecture of the building.

"Wow! It is beautiful. No wonder it is a school for rich people." she exclaimed.

She started heading to Block-A Corridor-C. On her way, she bumped into three girls making her fall.

"Hey! Watch where you go!" one of them spoke.

She stood up and apologize, "I'm sorry.... I...I didn't see while walking." she raised her head and saw the girls. They looked quite similar - brown hair except for their eyes color and other facial features.

She blurted out, "Triplets?"

Their eyes twitched hearing her the last word she said. She covered her mouth realizing what she said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"Get out of our sight. Now." the one with blue eyes spoke sternly.

She turned around starting to walk away. She glanced them over her shoulder, "I never taught you all to speak rudely to anyone." with that she walked away.

Their eyes grew wide. Just now they saw a splitting image of a crimson haired girl with a small crown on her head from Mila. They looked at each other in disbelief.

After walking around the hallways, she finally reached her dorm. Porter already left her luggages in dorm where she will be living from now on.

"Room 148. Can't wait to see how it looks!" she looked excited.

As she opened the door she saw a girl with blonde hair sitting on the sofa studying. As soon as she heard someone entered the room, she averted her gaze from the book she was reading.

"Hi. Nice to meet you. I am your new roommate." Mila said as she entered the room.

The girl stood up and approached towards her and shook her hand, "Hi! Nice to meet you too. I am Kate Jeremian. Just call me Kate."

Mila was baffled by her gesture at first. She smiled and returned her greeting, "I am Mila. I hope you can be my friend."

Kate became excited when she heard from Mila and said, "Yeah sure why not! I am so happy to have a first friend YAHOO!"

Mila tilted her head when she heard it. She asked, "You... don't have any friends?"

"Uh... well... I also joined last week. Anyways, your bedroom is on the right, washroom to your left, this is living room and lastly kitchen is at that side where you can cook if you don't like cafeteria's lunch. That's all. Anything else you wanna know?" Kate excitedly explained.

Grumble.... sound of stomach rumbling echoed the room and there was an awkward silence. Mila covered her face and looked down as her face was red as tomato.

Kate held her hand and smiled, "You must be hungry and tired. Off we go to dining hall."

"Wait!" Kate flung open the door headed to dining hall.

Dining hall

Mila was more amazed by staring at the dining hall. There were students buying snacks or food from the counter. Students in groups were using laptop, chatting while eating or using iPads. It was quite a lively atmosphere.

Kate ran to take the line, "Hurry up it's gonna get crowded soon!". As they were hurrying off to counter, three girls walked passed them. It was the triplets. One of them felt an unusual aura coming from Mila.

One of the three girls stopped to see Mila's face. She swiped her beautiful brown hair with one hand and looked back.

"What happened Lily? Why did you stop?" one with green eyes spoke.

"Just now I felt a strong aura coming from that girl." the girl with blue eyes mumbled.

"Did you say something?" the third girl asked. Her eyes were light blue color.

"U-uh Nothing. Lets get going." Lily replied. Lily once again glanced at Mila then walked away with her sisters.

After they got food, they sat on one of the empty seats. Mila took a bite of a sandwich. She nodded liking the taste.

"It's good." Mila commented.

"I know right!" Kate replied.

After eating they headed back to dorm. Mila set her bed. Then she freshened up and changed her clothes to pajamas and went to bed. Kate knocked on the door.

"Come in." Mila replied nonchalantly.

"Just checking whether you got comfortable around you?"

"Don't worry. I'll get over with it."

"Okay then good night!" She said and closed the behind.

"Good night."

Next morning, Mila woke up early. After taking bath, she wore checkered black skirt, white button up shirt, plain red tie and lastly blue blazer that is for first and second years. She combed her hair. Kate also came back from bathroom. She was also in uniform.

"Good morning!" Kate greeted happily.

"Morning." She greeted back with a smile.

"Let's go or we will be late."

Mila nodded. They walked out of the dorm. Kate locked the door. Then they walked out of the dorm buildings. Mila got her schedule from head teacher and was in her way to class. She lost her way while trying to find her class. She bumped into someone making her books and papers fall. She hurriedly picked up her books and papers.

"I am so sorry. Let me help you." The person approached his hand to help her.

"No. It's alright. I should be the one to apologize." she accepted his hand.

She looked up to see a bold, handsome young man. His hair was copper brown, kind golden brown eyes and an elegant visage ready to seduce any girl. He was wearing formal attire which made him look dashing. Her cheeks tinted red but she shook her head and stood up.

"Are you perhaps lost?" the young man asked with a kind smile.

"Ye-yes." she replied avoiding his eyes.

"Let me help you then. Which is your class?"


"Great! I'm also heading there. I will help you reach there."


They started walking. Mila followed him behind like a lost puppy. Both entered classroom. He walked towards whiteboard and faced the students. She stood beside teacher's desk. Everyone were talking and laughing. Kate was sitting on second row third last bench. She noticed Mila and waved her hand. Mila waved back with a smile.

He clapped his hands, "Okay class, enough chitchat. We are going to begin our class." Everyone settled down and went to their respective seats. Girls whispered amongst themselves on how the young man is handsome that they want to date. They noticed Mila and started whispering to each other.

The young man finally spoke, "As I have announced last week that a new student is joining our class." he gestured his hand to Mila to speak.

Mila smiled, "Hi everyone. I am Mila Lee. Pleasure to meet you all. I hope we get along well."

"Alright Mila, I'm Zhen Adolph. Your homeroom teacher as well as mathematics teacher." the young man introduced himself with his handsome smile making all the girls fall for him. He pointed his finger to one of the empty seats, "You can sit beside Miss Kate."

Mila sat on the first row third last seat. A seat beside the window. Kate was grinning ear to ear.

"I can't believe you are sitting beside me!" Kate whispered excitedly.

"Yeah." Mila whispered back. She thought, "She's quite lively."

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