Game Day (Michael Porter Jr.)

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This was requested by CLUELESSBELLA I hope you enjoy it 😁

You were chillin on the couch watching tv today you were competing against Michael in a series of games. Since there was High School track not far from your house. You guys go there all the time to race and hang with friends. The High school never mind because you guys wnet on days that games and events weren't being held. So you decided to challenge your boyfriend Micheal to a series of games. He agreed to he wanted to incorporate basketball into one of the three games so in one of the games you had to dribble a basketball down the track. The winner would be able to choose what they wanted for dinner the loser had to buy it. Even though it was something simple you were still determined to win because you believe Michael would choose something expensive to eat just to be funny. As you continued to skim through channels Micheal came in hopping up and down. He began to stretch and decided to stretch in front of the TV. You laughed and turned off the TV and stood up. "I see you already to go" You say as you re tie your shoes to make sure they are a little more tighter. "Yep I am get ready to lose y/n I plan on having a good steak tonight" Micheal says grinning. "I plan on having good amount of ribs and fries from that very expensive barbecue joint" You say smiling. As you guys head to the track you guys jam out to Drake you guys especially liked listening to the old school Drake. You guys belted out the lyrics to All Me on the way to the track. Once you guys arrive to the track Micheal got the cooler full of water out the backseat while you got your speaker and the basketballs out the trunk. The first event was a simple lap around the track so you guys get into staring position. "Ready set go" You yell. As Beyonce Let You Go begins to play you guys run down the track you were pacing yourself but it took you back to when you had to the run the mile in gym. Micheal was ahead of you by a bit you had a feeling he would be a bit quicker because he had to run laps every practice especially in High School. As you both turn the final corner you are able to pass and cross the finish line first. You jump around as Michael laughs at you celebrating. "Ain't no need to celebrate yet we still got two more events football and basketball dribbling. You guys head on the football field and got ready since there were only two of you. Micheal would throw you the football and you would catch it then go to make a touchdown before Micheal tries to catch you. You guys would play for 15 minutes and whoever had the most points from would win if there was tie  the ball would be placed in the middle and whoever grabs it first and gets a touchdown without getting called would win the game. You waited as Micheal got ready and threw you the ball you caught and ran but Micheal caught before you could to the touchdown area. When it was Micheal's turn he got down there so fast you could catch him after fifteen minutes he beat 18-6 without doing the field goal kick because there was no net to catch the ball if it made it in the goal. The final game that would determine the be dribbling a basketball for the entire lap of either of lost the ball three times you would be out and the other would win. If both of you were to lose the ball three times whoever completes the lap first would win. You both start by holding the ball and get ready to play the final game. "Ready set go" You both yell while laughing. You were ahead this time as Micheal began to pass you as you guys both cross the finish line you both crossed the line at the same time.   You both laughed and decide to buy each others dinner Micheal got his steak with herb mashed potatoes and you got your ribs with fries. "This was a fun day" You say as you eat. "I couldn't understand a thing you said" Micheal says laughing. You take a sip of your drink and say it again. "Yeah it was fun today we got to play this with our friends" Micheal says smiling. After enjoying your dinner you guys decide the watch movies as you guys grow tired you kiss each other goodnight and go to bed. Even though you guys had a competitive day you guys had fun next weekend you and Michael became a team and went against your friends who were also a couple you guys beat them and decided to a victory dance you practiced earlier week. "We are the what" You yell. "The dream team" Michael yells you both smile and your victory dance which was combination of the shoot dance the nae nae and the orange justice. Your friends laughed at competitive you guys were but they knew how much you guys cared for each other.

                      The End 😁

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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