Crushing On My Best friend (Dennis Smith Jr)

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As a you walked through the hallway you rolled your eyes at your best friend Dennis you guys have besties since diapers and you have liked him since the beginning of high school but you don't think he feels the same way . "Y/n you want to come go roller skating with me and Tasha tonight it'll be fun" Dennis said smiling . "You mean your girlfriend Tasha I am cool I ain't about to be no third wheel" You say laughing. "She's bringing her big brother so you won't technically be one" Dennis said smiling. "Fine I'll go but you owe me"You say glaring at him . "Cool I'll get your favorite snack and get you a movie" Dennis said. "Hot Cheetos and Black Panther" You said cheering . "Fine I'll see you tonight" He says while giving you a hug .
After School...
"Girl so he invited you to go hang out with him and his girlfriend Tasha " Your best friend said angrily. "Y/b/f/n Yes he did but she's bringing her brother " You say sitting next to her on the couch. "Girl get your head out the clouds Tasha probably lied about that she don't probably don't even have a brother she just trying to show you once again how she got Dennis and you don't " She says angrily. "What you want me to do" You say stressed . "I want you to go on there looking popping a cute shirt and some stone wash jeans and if she really has a big brother I want you to flirt or just get to know him and make her jealous of you now I know you like Dennis so if you don't want her brother give me them digits because I'll take him " Your Best friend said laughing. "Whatever thanks girl let me go get ready" You say running into your room.
That Night ...
You already were on the the skating rink waiting in Dennis, Tasha and her so called big brother. 20 minutes later they finally arrived "Thank God what took you so long" You say walking up to them. "Running fashionbly darling " Tasha said nudging pass you. "Hahaha so funny where is your brother"You yell . "I don't have an older brother who told you that "Tasha said . "Dennis"You say . "Oh I lied about that to him and he believed it I just wanted to show off "Tasha said laughing and heading to the roller rink floor . "You knew she was lieing didn't you would trick me like that I thought we were friends "You tearing up. "You wanna know why I did it because she's been cheating on me ok I didn't know how to tell you because I knew you already hated her and you wanna know why I started dating her because manipulated me because I am on the basketball team and she's jealous of you she knows I like you she caught in to it thats why she started dating me too because she wanted to make you jealous "Dennis says looking at you . "You like me Dennis " You say smiling. "Yes I always have butTasha messed up everything " Dennis says . "I got an Idea" You say laughing . Dennis grabbed your hand and y'all skated out on to the floor and skated passed Tasha. "Dennis what are you doing with her" Tasha said angrily. "Putting an end to all this I am tired of you manipulating me and I know you have been cheating saw you here last week with Owen and he told me everything I just waiting on the right time " Dennis said . "So your breaking up with me " Tasha said annoyed. "Duh" You both said. For the rest of the night you and Dennis hung out and laughed now you guys were a couple and there was nothing Tasha could do about it . You ended the night with the kiss . The next day you told your best friend everything she was so happy because you and Dennis finally were a couple .

The End 😁
Ps. He got you those Hot Cheetos and Black Panther the next day but he got a little upset about the way your looking at Micheal b. Jordan and Chadwick 😂😁

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