Yo Who's This Chick (Kyle Kuzma)

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You and your boyfriend Kyle Kuzma were cleaning up the apartment you two shared together. He was excited because an old friend was coming over which you found weird because it's most likely just one of the guys. "Alright everything is set she should be here any minute" Kyle says as he takes a seat on the couch. "She I thought it was one of the guys is your mom coming over if so I have to get just dance out because she wants a rematch" You say smiling. "No she's not coming a friend of mine is she'll be here soon" Kyle says. "What's your  friends name " You ask sitting next to him. "We grew up together I told her so much about you and she wants to meet you" Kyle says smiling. "Well I am excited to meet her she sounds like a nice person" You say smiling. Soon the doorbell rings "I'll get it" You say and open the door "Hi I am-" "Hey Kyle" Sara walks right past you and runs to Kyle and gives him a huge hug. "Ha y/n this is Sara and Sara this is y/n my girlfriend" Kyle says smiling.  "Nice to meet you Sara" You say sticking out your hand. Sara looks at you the turns to Kyle "Nice place you got here"she says and takes a tour around the apartment. "You ok y/n" Kyle asks noticing that you were mad. "Nah because little friend Sara is acting like I don't even exist and I am this close to snapping" You say angrily. "It's ok babe" Kyle says hugging you. Soon Sara returns and sees you guys hugging she roll her eyes "Nice place so what's for lunch" She says smiling. "Well I was about to go get some takeout" Kyle says grabbing his keys.  "Sounds good see you when you get back" Sara says and sits on the couch. "Bye babe" You say smiling. "Are two are you going be okay by yourselves" Kyle says. "We'll be fine" You both say smiling. "Ok bye" Kyle says and locks the door.  After he leaves you take a seat on the couch Sara sits across from you "So how long have you and kyle been friends" You ask. "Since the 5th grade how long have you two been dating" Sara asks. "About 2 years going on three soon" You say smiling. "You know I've has a crush on him and I was going to tell him how I felt the day he called me then he said he has a girlfriend and just kept talking
You and how great you are and this and that and you ruined everything I was supposed to be the one going to games to cheer and be around him 24/7 that was supposed to be me" Sara yells. "Well Sara you missed out and I have been waiting to day this since you walked past me when ya came in you are rude and mean and just a ignorant person ok and who care if you aren't his girlfriend at least you know him and you can at least say that and that is better than nothing" You yell back. Little than the two of you know that Kyke had returned with the food in his hand he was pure shock. "Wow guys Sara I didn't know you felt thay way but I have a girlfriend" Kyle says. "Fine you know what I am out of here" Sara says and slams the door behind her. "I am sorry Kyle I didnt mean to go off on her just because she was jealous dosen't mean she has to be like that you know I was this close to saying yo who's this chick when she walked past me like I was nothing" You say eating a fry. "Haha I was scared myslef I thought it was about to be fight" Kyle says smiling.  You both laugh and enjoy the rest of your day Sara soon apologised for her actions and y'all are cool for now.

                    The End 😁

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