A night in (Jamal Murray)

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This was requested @-mcmahon

You lay on couch in boredom as you flip through channels. Jamal comes into the living room and yawns. "What you watching" Jamal says putting his arm around you. "Nothing there is nothing to watch on tv" You say laughing. "Are there any good movies out" Jamal says excitedly. "Nope" You say laughing. "Welp we gotta think of something fun to do" Jamal says smiling. You both sit there and think until Jamal jumps off the couch. "I got it put on something nice and meet me in the backyard" Jamal says running to the bedroom. You laugh and change into a red dress. You head to the backyard and to see backyard lit up with lights and roses and your favorite chocolates.  "What's all this" you say almost in tears. "Aww don't cry y/n" Jamal says hugging you. You wipe your eyes as he steps back and smiles. "I wanted to do date night in" Jamal says grabbing your hand. You smile as you guys begin to dance the night away. "So what's for dinner then" You say as you guys take a break from dancing. "I was thinking pizza from that new pizza place" Jamal says laughing. "We can't eat pizza in this outfits I won't let you mess up that red suit" You laughing. "You must really like me this suit" Jamal says smiling. "And you must really like me this dress" You say smiling. You both laugh and head back in waiting for the pizza in your matching denver nuggets pajamas. You both play twister as you wait for the pizza. "Babe my leg is locking up" Jamal says laughing. "Fight through it because you still need to green" You laughing. He falls and you laugh. "Lets see you do any better that was a star performance. "Yeah sure it was" You say laughing. "All you need is red and your not gonna get it" Jamal says teasingly. You place your hand in red. You stand up and bow. "Would you look at that" You say smiling. Jamal laughs "Whatever I bet you can't beat in my own game" Jamal says smiling. "What would that be monopoly or connect four" You say laughing.  "Basketball after pizza me and you whoever gets to ten first gets to chose what they want for breakfast tomorrow" Jamal says smiling. "We still got 44 minutes until they get here so let me just beat you now" You say smiling. You both head outside and play in the backyard. You shoot three and make it. Jamal makes two layups soon you are in the lead. You had 9 and Jamal had 8. "One more layup and you win" Jamal says smiling. "Yep one more and I get doughnuts for breakfast" You say smiling. You go up a layup and Jamal blocks it and takes the ball down the other side of the court you jump to block it but he makes it in. Jamal does a victory dance and you laugh. "What do you want for breakfast" You say laughing. "Pancakes,eggs,bacon and sausage with orange juice I'll help you make it" Jamal says kissing you. "Thanks for the best date in ever" You say kissing him back. You both go in and the pizza finally arrives. You both head in and eat pizza. 12am rolls around and you both fall asleep on the couch. The next morning you guys make breakfast and end up buying doughnuts later in the day. That night you took Jamal to his favorite restaurant you wanted give him special night just like he did for you.

                 The End 😁

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