Donnie to the rescue/Preparing for Date

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It's science class and April is going through her bag, looking for something.

"Looking for something?" The teacher asks.

April quickly looks up.

The teacher holds up her mirror.

"Thank you, Casey. It is gratifying to see someone still respecting the honor code" the Teacher says.

"It will be my recommendation that you are expelled" He added.

April was about to explain but Donnie quickly jumps in.

"That is unfair. She wasn't cheating since she didn't have that thing" Donnie said.

"It's called magic..." April tries to say what it is.

Donnie stops her and looks at the teacher.

"Maybe she needs another pencil," He says to the teacher.

The teacher sigh,

"Well, if you can pass this test, I'll return your property and let this matter drop," The teacher said.

April feels a bit of relief as Casey gives a smug look at her.


Donnie sits at a picnic table, doing work and April goes behind him, shows him her test with a B+.

"For the first time, it's like I'm more than just a pretty face," She says.

"Shocker, huh?" Donnie asks as April smiles and sits next to him.

"You were pretty great in there," She tells him.

"So were you," Donnie says back to her.

Both of them smile at one another.

"I bet I can get an A on the next test without the mirror," April said.

"Yea. Well, maybe we can get together and we'll hang out" Donnie says.

"Yea. Let's get together" April said, both of them not noticing Rose and Ashely walking towards them.

"There you are. We've been looking for you" Rose said.

"What's wrong?" April ask.

"Leo just asked me out on" Rose can't even finish the sentence.

"A date," Ashely says, finishing the sentence.

April says bye to Donnie and walks with Ashely and Rose to help Rosela get ready for her date.

In the room...

April applies blush on Rose's cheek as Ashely fixes Rose's hair.

"Easy on the blush, April. I don't want to scare him away" Rose said.

"Please. My mom taught me how to apply blush before I could talk" April says.

"Always use upward strokes" Ashely adds.

"My father was never a big fan of these types of things. I never had a sister" Rose says.

"Well, now you have two," Ashely said.

"And we're going to need all the family we can get if we don't pull this off" April adds.

"Agreed. My father's not a barrel of laughs when he doesn't get his way. Just ask Duchess Satine" Ashely says.

*IDK about these things. I just looked it up*

"Are you afraid of them?" Rose asks.

"Sometimes afraid of my dad" Ashely answered.

"Same with my mom" April also answers.

"Are you afraid of your dad?" Ashely asks Rose.

"I just really want him to be proud of me. He gets so angry with me. And yea, he's my dad, so I know he loves me, in his own way" Rose explains.

"Moving on. Come see" Ashely says as the three girls stand up and go to a mirror.

Rose is wearing a blue dress with a black leather jacket.

"I look

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"I look..." Rose couldn't believe it.

"Say it," Ashely said.

"Not hideous" Rose finishes.

"Not even close" April said.

A knock is heard and Rose opens the door.

Leo looks at Rose as he holds two motorcycle helmets.

"For the first time, I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful," Leo says.

The two walk out and Ashely closes the door.

Let's see if the date goes well.

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