Family Day part II

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Royals and the VKs are playing and interacting with one another.

Rose is playing croquet

Mikey is playing with klunk.

Leo and Raph are playing together.

Ezra is with Mikey.

April and Ashley are talking with Shen and Yoshi.

A woman comes up to Rose.

"Hello," she says.

"Hi," Rose says back.

"Now. Have we met?" The woman asks.

"No. I don't think so" Rose responds.

"I'm new. I'm sort of like a transfer student" Rose adds.

The woman nods and Karai appears.

"Grandmother," Karai says.

"Oh, Karai" the grandmother and they both hugged.

Karai sees Rose.

"Grandmother?" Rose asks.

"Mother of the flying swordsman" the woman answers.

"Grandmother, I don't think you want to be talking to this girl. Unless you feel like being trapped in darkness with ninjas for another 100 years" Karai tells her grandmother who is confused.

Rose smiles while looking at the grandmother.

"You!" The grandmother yells out.

Everyone stares at them.

Anna walks forward.

"How are you here? And how are you so young and a female?" The grandmother questions.

"Queen Sakura. It's okay. Shredder is still on the island. This is his daughter, Rosela. Don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance" Leo assured the woman.

"A chance to do what, Leonardo? Destroy us?" Sakura questions.

"Come on. You remember, don't you?" Sakura asks around.

Ana tries to calm her down.

The Vk's and Donnie stand behind Rose and Leo.

"The poison knives, the spells. Spells. My son was raised by sword masters because of your father's curse. So his first words, his first steps. I missed it all" Sakura tells Roe and Leo.

Everyone is listening to it all.

Rose step forward to say something but Casey made her step back.

"Don't do this, Casey" Leo tells him.

"What? They were raised by their parents, Leo. What do you think villains teach their kids, huh? Kindness? Fair play? No way, okay? Uh-uh," Casey argues.

"You stole another girl's boyfriend," Casey says to Rose.

Leo tries to make him stop.

"You enjoy hurting people," Casey says to Raph.

"You are always going to be just a street rat," He says to Ezra.

"You are nothing but a powerless sorcerer like your father," Casey says to Ashely.

"And you, you're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater," He says to April.

"Mirror, Mirror in my hand. Who's the biggest jerk in the land" April asks the mirror and puts it close to Casey's face.

Casey pushes her hand, making Ezra and Raph defend April. 

People try to stop them and Ashely uses April's spray to knock Casey out cold.

Everyone started freaking out and sees Karai and others catching Casey before he could hit the ground.

Leo and Donnie pull Ezra and Raph away.

"Come on, Rose," Ashely says as she pulled Rose's hand.

The villain kids run away from the scene.

Leo tried to stop them.

Casey wakes up after the VK's left.

Leo looks at his parents.

"I feared something like this would happen," Yoshi says.

"It isn't their fault" Leo defended the VKs.

"No, my son. It's yours" Yoshi tells Leo.

Yoshi grabs Shen's handed they both walk away.

Donnie put a hand on Leo's shoulder.

Many people gave Leo a dirty.

As if it was his fault.

*Later on*

The VKs sit at a table, having lunch but no one is eating.

The royals sit nearby but around them.

Leo goes to the VK's

"Hey, guys. How is everyone?" He asks.


"Hey, listen. Forget about it. Alright? It was nothing. Forget about it. Let it go. Tomorrow, after the coronation, I promise everything will be okay." Leo tells them.

"I have to go," he says as he kissed Rose's head.

Leo leaves and the VKs are still quiet.

"How long does she think that's gonna last," Karai asks Mackenzie as two walk around the VKs.

"Rosela is just the bad girl infatuation" she adds.

"Yea. I mean, he's never gonna make a villain a queen" Mackenzie says.

The girls laugh and walk away.

Rose opened her spell book and says,

"Beware. Forswear, undo Mackenzie's hair"

Once the spell is done, Mackenzie screams.

Her hair is back to how it was before.

People started laughing at her.

Rose and the other VKs stand up.

"There's a lot more where that comes from" Rose warns them.

"Excuse me. Who do you think you are?" Karai asks.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" Rose asks and opens the spellbook again, causing people to run away.

Rosela turns to her friends.

"I'm looking forward to tomorrow," she says and closes the book.

"Let's grab that sword and blow this popsicle stand" Rose adds.

The VK's walk together.

Determined to finish their mission.

I'm rotten to the core

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