Made the team/ Plan

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Raph and Ezra sat in the bleachers with the coach.

"I could use some tough guys like you two. Others are just a little soft" the coach said.

"You're telling us. It's just, after you, old chum" Raph says, mocking the voice of royal.

"oh, pardon me, did I bump into you?" Ezra continues, teasing of the speaking.

"Where we come from, is prepare to die, sucker," Raph said.

The coach stops them both before they said something to evil.

"Let explain the team. It's like family" the coach explained.

The coach talks to them both about the team.

He gives them both new shirts.

Later on...

Ezra and Raph enter the girl's room, wearing the new shirts.

Ashley and April are doing homework, Mikey on the ground with the cat. Rose on the bed, going through each page for a spell.

"So did it work with Mackenzie? Gonna see the wand" Ezra asked.

"I tried going through every page so no didn't" Rose said.

"Someone is in a bad mood," Mikey said.

"My father is counting on me. I can't let him down" Rose said as she slaps Mikey in the back of the head.

"We can do this" Ezra said.

"If we stick together" he adds.

"And we won't go back until we do," Rose said.

"Cause we're rotten"

"To the core," Everyone says

"Oh, I heard that they use the wand at the coronation and we all get to go. I have nothing to wear" Ashely said and Rose looks up

A knocking came and Rose open it.

It's the prince Leonardo.

"Hey, Rose. I did not see you all today. Just wondering if you have any questions or anything you need" Leo said.

"Just a question. Is it true that we could go to your coronation?" Rose ask.

"Yeah. The whole school goes" Leo answers.

"You think it's a possibility that the 6 of us could be at the front row" Rose wonders.

"I wish I could but the front is me, my folks and my girlfriend" Leo answers.

That gives Rose an idea.

"Thanks, bye," She said as she closes the door when Leo was about to say something.

Rose turns to the others and say:

"I think that it's time for weo get himself a new girlfriend"

Mikey tosses her the spellbook.

I need a love spell.

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