Evil Like Me

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The kids manage to get to the museum but unfortunately, there's a security guard.

"I could put him in sleep spell," Rose said.

"If you could try," Raph said and Mikey snickered making Rose roll her eyes.

"Sleepytime, go to sleep and won't wake up for a while," She said and the guard ended up falling asleep.

"What about the door?" Teddy asks.

"Step aside," Raph said as he moves back.

"Make it easy, make it quick, open the door without a kick," Rosela said and the door opens, just as Raph jumps to kick the door open.

Everyone laugh and started to search for the sword.

As they search, the villain kids stumble in a room where there are statues of their parents.

"Mom?" Ezra ended up asking in shock as he sees his mother with a red lightsaber.

Maul holding a red lightsaber as well.

Rodrick holding a sword with fire around it.

Lucy wearing a coat and holding a small mirror.

Then, Shredder, wearing a helmet and having claws as well.

"Let's go, Rose," Mikey said as they all, except Rose, run out.

Rose Shredder

*Music starts*

Rose: Look at you, look at me. I don't know who to be, Father.
Is it wrong, is it right? Be a thief in the night, Father.
Tell me what to do.
(About to walk out but here's laughter)

Shredder: Are you kidding, child?

I was once like you my child
Slightly insecure.
Argued with my father too
Thought I was mature
But I put my heart aside
And I used my head
Now I think it's time you learned what dear old father said.

Don't you wanna be evil like me?
Don't you wanna be mean?
Don't you wanna make mischief your daily routine?

Well you can spend your life attending to the poor
But when you're evil doing less is doing more

Don't you wanna be ruthless and rotten and mad?
Don't you wanna be very, very good at being bad?

I have tried my whole life long to do the worst I can
Clawed my way to victory
Built my master plan
Now the time has come my dear for you to take your place
Promise me you will try to be an absolute disgrace

Don't you wanna be evil like me?
Don't you wanna be cruel?
Don't you wanna be nasty and brutal and cool?

And when you grab that sword, that's when your reign begins
Who wants an evil queen without a sack of sins? 
Don't you wanna be heartless and Hardin' as stone?
Don't you wanna be finger licking' evil to the bone?

This is not for us to ponder
This was preordained
You and I shall rule together
Freedom soon regain
Mistress of the universe, powerful and strong

Daughter, hear me
Help me, join me won't you sing along?

Rose and Shredder: Now we're gonna be evil it's true
Never gonna think twice.

Rose: And we're gonna be spiteful

Shredder: Yes, spiteful
That's nice
In just an hour or two
Our futures safe and sure

This father and daughter act is going out on tour.

If you wanna be evil and awful and free
Then you should thank your lucky star
That you were born the girl you are
The daughter of an evilicious king

Like Me!

*Song ends*

"Rose" April call as she enters the room.

Rose looks at her and sees that her father is back as a statue.

"We found the sword. Come on" April said as she runs out.

Rose looks at her father's statue before running out to the others.

She sees her friends looking at the wall that is being protected by a blue light.

Raph smiles evilly as he goes to the sword.

"Raphael, wait," Rose said but Raph got closer, about to grab the sword and got thrown down and then the alarm sounded.

The kids quickly run while the guard, who woken up, run to see the problem.

As the kids run, the phone rang and Ezra answers, turn off the alarm and hangs up.

"Ezra" Rose called.

"Your welcome" Ezra says as he runs.

"Thanks a lot, Raph. Now we have to go to school tomorrow" Rose said as they all run back to the dorms before anyone finds out.

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