Family Call

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It is a new day of school and the kids are in their class together.

"Children, excuse me. As you know, this Sunday is Family Day here at Ninjitsu prep, and because your parents can't be here due to... distance. We've arranged for a special treat" Anna says to them and goes to the front of the room where there is a TV.

She presses a button on the keyboard and the TV turns on to reveal the kids' parents.

"I do not see anything. Nor do I hear" Shredder says from the screen.

Anna mentions for the kids to come to the front and they do so.

The parents can be seen trying to figure out how to work the computer.

Finally, the screen is on and the parents can see the kids and Anna.

"April, it's mommy. Look how beautiful. You know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree" Lucy says.

"Who's the old bat?" Rodrick ask.

"This is Ana" Rose answers.

The parents started making jokes about Anna, so she step out of the view so the parents could see their kids.

"Hi, Dad," Rose said.

"Rosela," the shredder said.

"I miss you" Shredder hesitantly said since he knows that Anna is still in the room.

"You children are never far from our thoughts," Mira says.

"How long must we wait to see you," Shredder asks.

"There's a big coronation coming up. I think probably sometime after that" Rose responds.

"When?" Maul asks.

"Friday, 10 am" Ezra responds.

"Are you all sure we can't see you before that? I do not know what I'll do I I do not get my hands on that magic- you. You small child of mine that I love" Shredder says, almost revealing the truth.

"I completely understand, Father," Rose said.

Rodrick notices something from Mikey.

"Michelangelo, is that a cat?" He asks.

He started making a cat towhee has on squeak.

"It would make the perfect size for earmuffs," Rodrick says and laugh evilly.

"She's the perfect size for a pet," Mikey tells his father, who gasps.

"This cat loves me and I love her. FYI, your cat is stuffed" Mikey says, telling his father off, who's shocked.

"So give it a rest" The freckled turtle adds.

Mira starts laughing since Rodrick got to burn.

An argument started between the two adults and Ezra pressed the button to turn off the webcam.

The kids had a look of sadness and it is silent.

"I am so sorry" Anna apologizes.

"Thanks for the special treat," Raph said.

The kids started walking away.

As they walk and get their bags, April ask Rose,

"Rose, what do you think our parents are gonna do to us if we don't pull this off?"

"I think they will be quietly disappointed in us but ultimately proud of us for doing our best" Rose responds.

"Really?" Mikey asks.

"No, I think we are goners" Rose admits.

The kids walk to come up with a pan or they will be goners.

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