Class time

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The next day, the villain kids ended up going to school and right now the teacher, Ms. Ana, was teaching them of good things.

"You find a crying baby. Do you, a. Poison it. B. Lock it away in a tower or c. Give it a bottle" Ms. Ana asked them.

Nobody seem to answer, since they don't care and Rose is just drawing the sword.

"Rose" Ana called.

Rose looks up and said
" C, Give it a bottle"

"Correct" Ana said

" you are on fire, Rose" Mikey said

"Just pick the boring one" Rose said

The villain kids ended up understanding how it goes.
Then a girl with short hair walk in and scared of the villain kids.

"Mackenzie. Hello, child. Kids, this is my daughter Mackenzie" Ana introduces her daughter to the VKs.

"Mom. Just sign for the coronation that everything is in order" Mackenzie said.

Rose nudge Ashely who was next to her after hearing the word coronation.

Ana gave the papers back to Mackenzie as she speed walks away from the VKs.

"Alright, lets get back into the lesson." Ana said and went back to the board.

"You find a bottle of poison. Do you: a. Put it in a apple. B. Drop a bit on the Kings wine. C. Return it to the owner" Ana ask.

Both Mikey Ezra raised their hands but Ezra got it higher and Ana picked him.

" C, return it to the owner" He answered.

"Correct" Ana said.

"Dude. I was gonna say it" Mikey said.

They both ended up being in a small fight as Raph try to separate it while the girls just mind their own business.

"Boys" the teacher try to get their attention which didn't get it.

She began tapping and they finally acknowledge.

"Boy, you can use that energy on the field for lacrosse" Ana said.

"La what?" Mikey ask

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