Battle against the shredder

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A loud swoosh can be heard and people turn to the sound.

Everyone sees a black cloud of smoke coming in and into the front of Anna, the king, queen, and Donnie, and between the VKs and Leo.

That smoke turns into Shredder.

Everyone is shocked and scared to see him out of the island.

Leo stands infant of his mother and brother to keep them safe.

"Go away, father" Rose tells her father.

Shredder starts chuckling, believing it is a joke.

"Give me the sword, Rosela," He says.

"No!" Leo yells, thinking rose is going to do it.

Instead, Rose throws the sword to Anna, who catches it.

Anna was about to spell shredder with the sword but Shredder stops the spell.

Everyone except the VKs became frozen.

Shredder grabs the sword from Anna.

"Now why don't we start with getting rid of this," He asks and uses his magic to take the ring off Rose's finger.

Rose gasps as her father did that.

Shredder walks forward where Leo is standing.

"Falling in love is weak and ridiculous." He says to Rose and turns to her, adding,

"It's not what you want"

"You don't know what I want," Rose tells her father.

"Dad, have you ever once asked me what I want? I'm not you" She asked him.

"I had years and years and years and years of practice to become evil. You will get there" Shredder says.

"No, I will not. And I wish that you had never gotten there yourself. Love is not weak or ridiculous. It's actually really amazing" Rose said to her father.

"I know one thing, young lady. You have no room for love in your life!" Shredder yells at her.

"And now I command, sword to my hand!" Rose yells, making the sword shine and trying to go to Rose.

Until it actually came to Rose's hand, making Rose and her friends surprise.

Shredder tries to get Rose to give him the wand.

"Hold on, Rose. Maybe good really is more powerful than evil" Mikey says.

Shredder tries to step forward before being jumped by Klunk.

He pushes Klunk off and Raph tries to grab Shredder's weapon, which starts glowing.

Unfortunately, it didn't work, making Raph fall back.

"Enough! You all will regret this!" Shredder yells, black smoke appears again.

The VKs gasped to see that Shredder turned into a dragon.

Shredder breathes fire to Raph, who luckily dodges it and tries to run away from the dragon.

"Come on, run, Raph, run!" Mikey yells.

Raph quickly starts running again, trying to avoid Dragon Shredder.

The others try to get Raph to keep running and they start running as well.

April takes out her mirror and yells,

"Magic mirror, show your bright light!"

The mirror shines and the light hits Shredder's face.

Shredder falls and Rose makes April get behind her.

"Leave my friends alone!" Rose yells at Shredder.

Shredder growls at her.

"This is between you and me, Father," Rose tells him.

Shredder snarls at her.

"The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one" Rose says and her eyes glow green.

She continues chanting the same thing with her eyes glowing green and with her friends by her side.

The father and daughter have a staring contest with their eyes green.

It continues until black smoke appears again.

Then dragon Shredder disappears.

The VKs are shocked at the shredder being gone.

Anna suddenly becomes unfrozen.

The kids run forward, wondering if Rose has done something.

Until Anna step forward with the answer,

"No, no, no, your father did," she said.

"He shrank to the size of the love in his heart. That's why it's so itty-bitty" Anna adds, referring to the small lizard on the ground.

"Is he gonna be like that forever?" Rose asks.

"Well, forever is a long time. You learned to love. So can he" Anna responds.

Rose looks at the sword,

"I believe this belongs to you," She says handing the sword to Anna.

Anna takes the sword.

"And I believe this belongs to you," She says, grabbing the ring from the ground and handing it to Rose, who takes it back and puts it on her finger.

Anna says to the teens,

"You all have earned yourselves an "A" in Goodness Class"

The teens laugh and Anna undoes the spell.

Spell undone

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