On the way

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The villain kids were shocked. They are going to Ninjitsu prep.

" we are not going to Ninjitsu Prep. No way we are going there were there preppy princess" Rosela said
" and perfect princes" April said and rose looked at her and April said quickly
" I mean ugh"

" I heard that there are wild cats there according to my father " Mikey said and Ezra behind Mikey and did a meow making Mikey flinch and punch Ezra's arm.

" Yea, father. We are not going" Rosela said as Shredder came to her and said to her.

" My daughter. Walk with me. And let tell u why u should go" Shredder walk away making his daughter follow him and her friends follow them.

They end up at the home where they all share.

" u will go to Ninjitsu prep, steal the sword and done" shredder said
" and what is it for us" Ezra asked
" power, control" shredder said
" no I think he means us" Rosela mention about her and her friends.

Shredder lean closer to his daughter.
" this is just about u and me, my daughter. And I will rule the world"he said

" u mean our world" maul, Ashely's dad, said
" yes, our world" shredder said.

" well April will not go until she manage to get her hair more straight" Lucy, April's mom said.

" Ashely will not go as well until she has her moves correct" Maul, Ashely's dad, said.

" Ezra will not go as well because he has to help me wit the shop" Mira, Ezra's mom, said.

" neither will my boys. I'll miss them so much" Rodrick, Mikey and Raph's dad, said

" really, dad?" Mikey ask

" of course. Who will polish my boots, clean my furs and take care of the house" Rodrick said

" going to Ninjitsu prep sound more good" Raph and mikey nodded

" but Mikey. There are wild cats there" Rodrick said as Mikey got scared.

" Everyone. This is our chance to rule the world. To get our revenge on everyone there" shredder said which got the rest of adults on board.

Shredder went to the fridge, opened it and took out a spell book.

" I used this back in my days. Now it's ur turn to use it" he said as he gave it to Rosela. Then he also pulled something out. A katana.

" and I will give u this as well. My old katana" shredder said as he gave rose the katana.

Then everyone heard a beep and saw a limo in front of the home.

" before I forget" Lucy said as she gave April a magic small mirror.

The teens went done and put their stuff in the back of the limo.
Right after Ezra stole a thing from there.

Rosela look at her father one more time and got inside after Mikey ran in the limo to get away from his dad.

All the teens were now driven to Ninjitsu prep

Hey ninjas
Sorry it took so long

Hope u like this chapter

See ya soon

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