Becoming king

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The choir sing as they wait for the coronation to start.

The VKs hope they could be to pull the plan off.

The door opens and Leo walks down as people bow down to him.

Leonardo walks with his head up and Anna gets the crown.

She puts the crown on Leo's head after he kneels.

Leo looks at his father, who nods his head with a small smile.

Everyone watched as the sword is handed to Anna by Shen.

Anna stand in front of Leo and asks,

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Ninjitsu prep with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?"

The villains at the island watch, waiting for Rose to grab the sword.

"I do solemnly swear" Leo answers.

"Then it is my honor and joy to bless our new king," Anna says as she patted the sword on Leo's shoulders.

Suddenly, someone snatched the sword, and everyone screams.

"Yes!" Shredder yells.

The sword starts making strange sounds and lighting shots out from it to the sky.

It hits the barrier of the island.

Shredder knows that it is time.

He goes to the balcony, weapon in hand.

Shredder laughs as he turns to smoke and flies away.

People back up in fear at the person holding the sword.

"Child, what are you doing?" Anna yells, asking.

The child is Mackenzie.

"If you won't make me beautiful and brave, I'll do it myself," Mackenzie says.

Leila tries to stop her sister but is unable to get near.

Mackenzie tries to get the sword under control.

Leo stands in front of Rose to protect her.

Mackenzie is still unable to control the sword.

Rose quickly runs to Mackenzie and takes the sword from her.

The other VKs leave their seats.

Leo stands in front of Rose.

"Rose, give me the sword," Leo says.

"Stand back," Rose tells Leo as the other VKs appear.

Leo tries to get her to give him the sword but Rose refuses.

"I told you so!" Karai yells but steps back as Rose points the sword at her.

"Let's go," Raph says"

"Revenge time" Ezra adds.

"You want to do this?" Leo asks.

"We have no choice, Leonardo! Our parents" Rose answers but gets cut off.

"Your parents made their choice. Now you make yours" Leo tells them.

Rose looks at the king, queen, and Donnie.

Then to Anna.

"I think I want to be good," she says.

"You are good," Leo tells her.

"How do you know that?" Rose questions.

"Because... because I'm listening to my heart" Leo responds.

"I want to listen to my heart, too," Rose said.

Leo looks at her.

"And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents," Rose says to her friends.

"I mean, stealing things doesn't make you both happy. Tourney and victory pizza is it's the team makes you happy" Rose says to Ezra and Raphael.

"And you, scratching Klunk's head and ears make you happy. Who would've thought" Rose says to Michelangelo.

"Ashely, doing art and making outfits makes you happy, not tricking people," Rose tells Ashely.

"And April, you do not have to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart" Rose Tells April.

"And I don't want to take over the world with evil. It doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school. And be with Leo. Because he makes me happy" Rose announces and looks at Leo, making people aww.

Rose turns back to her friends.

"Us being friends make me happy. Not destroying things" She adds.

Rose put her fist out in the middle and says,

"I choose good, guys"

Everyone wait to see if the others follow her lead.

Until Ezra put his fist out

"I choose good too," he says.

Ashely does the same,

"I choose good," she says.

April follows,

"I choose good," she says.

Raph does the same as well,

" I choose good," he says,

"So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be? Because they're gonna be really, really mad" Mikey questions, making the others smile and laugh a bit.

"Your parents can't reach you here" Leo assures him.

Mikey smiles,

"Okay then," he says and puts his fist with his friends.

"Good" he adds.

Rose looks at Leo for him to come forward.

He does and puts his fist in with the others.

People started applauding.

Donnie smiles at them while standing with his parents.

Nothing could ruin this moment

Until the swoosh sound came.

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