Going over the plan

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"Okay, we all know what this looks like. So, we'll be up on the dais under King Yoshi's spell jar and we'll be coming in from here" Rose explains.

The kids stand around a round table, going over the plan to steal the sword.

"I will be in the very front. You all will be in the balcony" Rose adds.

"Ezra?" She asks.

"Okay, so I'll find our limo. So we can break the barrier and get back on the island with the sword" Ezra explains.

"Perfect. April, you will use this to take out the driver. Two sprays and he'll be out like a light" Rose says.

April understands.

Ezra, Mikey, and Raph walk away. Rose sits down and the other two girls notice something.

"Rose? You want to break Leo's love spell?" Ashely asks.

"Yeah, you know for after" Rose answers.

April and Ashely sit next to Rose.

"I have just been thinking, you know, when the villains finally invade ninjitsu prep and begin to lout and kick everyone out of their castles and impression their leaders and destroy all that is good and beautiful. Leo still being in love with me just seems a little extra... cruel" Rose admits. The boys listen to it all.

Rosela quickly grabs her book and walks out.

At night time, Raph couldn't sleep and he gets up, looking at the trophy from the game.

Mikey could not sleep as well and turned, starting to pet Klunk.

Ezra stares at the ceiling, looking over to see his jacket from the team.

Ashely looks at a painting she made in her art class, thinking.

April take out her exam that had received a B +. End up having a lot on her mind.

Rose is stirring and stirring as she makes the dessert to break the spell.

She started singing softly,

"A million thoughts in my head

Should I let my heart keep listening?

I know it's time to say goodbye

So hard to let go..."

After singing, a tear falls into the mix.

Rose closes the book.

The spell is ready

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